Problems with setting up wordpress? Read this......

Last Update: January 27, 2011

If you have troubles with setting up your Word Press site, than I have a solution for you. I have blogged about this for weeks now. Unable to setup it up with what they call those "simple" steps.

Especially if you've read my other posts you will see how puzzled I was to finding out the answer.

Well, look no further. Those steps are a bit....confusing! So, let me tell you exactly what I did to solve my word press frustrations.

#1, buy the domain and point the nameservers to wa using the and

#2-Wait 10 to 12 hours (or maybe less) for the servers of your domain to point to wa hosting. DO NOT SETUP WA HOSTING!

#3 After the time stated above, go to the top of this page, and under the option of tools and research, choose at the bottom= word press express!

#4 once there, click the word press express option, click "create a new blog", then choose " install using a new domain"

#5- then choose your blog name, and theme

#6 next screen, your there! Hosting and all will set up for you!

I know, I was soooooo confused because the tutorials tell you to set up hosting. And it took a "buddy" of mine here to tell me that he never dealt with hosting and his sites always set up perfectly for me to realize that this is where the error came in.

So, try that, because it finally worked for me. I had tried setting up the hosting, and it didnt work! I deleted my hosting for that domain, waited about an hour, went back and retried it again...and WORD PRESS SITE set up without no problems. I could of screamed! In fact, I actually cried! A cry that made realize that if you give up, you will always FAIL. And I'm in "this" to be a WINNER!

How about you?


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Funny Girl Premium
Wow, thanks, this is very helpful, because I am having the same issue! Phil has told me there is an issue with MySQL which hosts WP at the moment, but are you saying if we delete our hosting and try it then it should work? What do we need to do to delete our hosting?
Thanks I will send you gold if this works! :)