Posts by Pounders 13
January 12, 2011
I have learned alot here at WA. One of the main things that I have learned is that without a website, you wont get very far. I believe the stories of people saying that they only write articles every day and make money. But, I dont believe that kind of LUCK is going to come my way.   So, for the past almost week, I have been trying to set up my new website on Word Press. But to my LUCK, the site is either down or not working at all. I did successfully start a site u
January 07, 2011
Today, I just completed the setup of my 1st website and wanted to immediately start planning for the next. Well, to my surprise, as I attempted to set it up in Word Press, it didnt work.  Puzzled, I began searching the forums. Still no answer to the problem there. So, I searched my notes on HOW TO SETUP A WEBSITE. At my first glance, it hit me like a bolt of lightning. I forgot to point my domain name to WA hosting. Silly me! Here is a link to help you with that if
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January 01, 2011
Even though I have been here almost two months, today will be my first blog post. I have been very focused on learning the different techniques. And trying to take as much action as I can. So far, its been overwhelming. But, taking the action has really helped to relieve some of that pressure. I look forward to the start of 2011 and being more successful.    
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