An Idea to get input on

Last Update: June 02, 2012

Hello everyone. this is month 3 for me here at WA and I must say I am still stoked. I am at a crossroads here as far as needing some input on my site as far as what I have right and what I have wrong. I seem to be getting a bit of traffic and clicks but no real customers. I feel I am at the point of too much info and not enough direction. I would imagine everyone reaches this point at some time in the process. I would appreciate any input available within the community here. Please feel free to fire away and hold nothing back, as I am about as open minded as they come.
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veronica.l Premium
Hi there,
You need to be very specific and targeted, home remedies in general is not gona get you many sales but if you digg down and target the specific issues then you will see better results. Take your example of ticks there you got a good subniche. I would digg down into that topic and find home remedies for that. Find a related solution that can help them with ticks.
I would get rid of the WA banner, that is not really relevant to the topic.
Best of luck with your site
Shawn Martin Premium
I agree, banner and WA page is now on my blog and off the site completely
BIS Premium
Hi Shawn. I have looked at your site and here are my views for what t's worth.

1. The colour of your site. White on blue is always difficult to read. The brightness made me want to disappear. You're having visitors - I would have a look at you're bounce rate. Also as it's health you're promoting - I think you would be better off with a different type of blue or colours closely associated with vitality. If you look at the training area I have done a resource on choosing the right colours for your website.

2. Why aren't you getting conversions? in my view is because you're not encouraging them. You have the store - but how do I know what I should be looking for. There is no advice or guidance - so why would I purchase. You have not articles that I could see (apart from the wealthy affiliate one that encourages someone to take action).

3. The wealthy affiliate information jars a little - so I would add some other home remedies that are different so it all makes more sense.

4. In the about us - I would do a slight rewrite and emphasise more why home remedies are important and why you recommend them, and your experience of how they have made a difference.

5. You need some articles that direct to specific products with your recommendaations.

Hope that helps. You did say don't hold anything back! But get the views of others - I am not an expert!!
Sielke Premium
I think the problem in your situation and a lot of people is not getting quality targeted traffic. I've been seeing lately everyone saying they're getting tons of traffic and clicks and no conversions. The key is to get the right traffic. This goes with targeting the right keywords and getting traffic from the right sources. For example, "where to buy home remedies" is better than "free home remedies". Of course its not always as cut and dry but its just what I've been seeing lately.