Starting to get it.

Last Update: May 07, 2012

Wow, this has been a real interesting month. I have learned so much here, and also had to re-learn how to learn if that makes sense. I ended up taking almost 2 weeks of interruptions and turned it into a positive. I am finally getting the art of researching keywords. One thing I am learning is how to manage  and continue building social networking. I have built a bit of a following in a short time and am now in the situation of maintaining this and it can be daunting, with all the  emails etc. I can see this will really be an asset when I finally get everything going. I have decided to really concentrate on a campaign of promoting WA, along with building and feeding my website. All new to me. I came here with quite a bit of experience in running training for AOL's chat room monitors and this has really helped me get around the training here at WA . For those who are just walking through the door take it easy and ask a ton of questions, the people here will help you any way they can. I have some issues to solve yet and most of them are now action issues. It is time to do, and tomorrow starts my launch of the promoting WA side of this. I am looking forward to the action part. :)


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Kim vH Premium Plus
I think I need some help/opinions. I'm not sure if I'm posting this in the right place even, so can someone tell me where so that I can get some much needed feedback. Thanks.
Shawn Martin Premium
Hi Kim, what kind of help do you need?
BIS Premium
Shawn. The best of luck with promoting WA. I'm sure it will go well.
Shawn Martin Premium
I am in it for the long haul. I have been getting ready to go here for a few days, and I am just looking forward to the action side.