How to re size your picture for Street Articles

Last Update: June 16, 2012
Hi everyone, and thanks for checking out my blog on how to resize your picture. It will be short and sweet as this is really a simple process. When using Street Articles your picture needs to be a certain size and if the one you want to use is too small it will be rejected. One easy way to change the size of your picture is by using the Paint program that comes with most operating systems. I will run you though the process in three steps. I use this program so much I made a shortcut onto my desktop for easy access. I recommend this to save time. OK, off to the steps.

Step 1:

Open your Paint program and click "file" in the upper left corner. From the drop down menu click "open" and open the picture you want to change.

Step 2:

Now click on "image" on the top menu and from the drop down menu click " Stretch/Skew" you will see a box that you can change the numbers in. I have found that changing the numbers to 200 in the "Stretch" box usually does the trick and sets the picture to what Street Articles requires. you can experiment here to get what you need for size. There is no need to even mess with the "Skew" box.

Step 3:

When you are happy with the size, click "file" again in the upper left corner and click "Save As" and re save your picture.

That is pretty much it in a nutshell. I hope this helps you get your pictures posted to Street Articles.
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Botho Premium
So are the pictures still looking alright after you have 'stretched' them with Paint? Hendrik
Shawn Martin Premium
Check my articles. Just about every picture has been re sized by paint. they turn out looking fine. :) here is one that was undersized
ThomasPaul Premium
I tend to use snagit to resize my pictures. How undersized was that picture?
Shawn Martin Premium
They are usually 100, Street Articles requires 200