My Second Month in Wealthy Affiliate

Last Update: May 13, 2012

Hello and Happy Mothers Day!
Today I find myself in a pretty good place here at Wealthy Affiliate University. I am having no regrets joining this program and am really looking forward to the next month here. I am now doing a bit of back tracking and re learning much I thought I knew when I started. Web building can be fun and much easier than I made it. There is so much training available here, almost too much to take in at once. In my first 30 days I have a website up and am now figuring out how much I did wrong along with how much I did right. (Just figured out what a SEO pack is and how to use it) I did not have this figured right and it was not showing up on my WordPress blank pages when I was creating them. I would be lost without all the help I have so far received in the chat room, and this feature is a must for any success to happen, so to all that hang out there please keep doing it. :) Thanks to Carson and Kyle, and Thanks to the 30 day success training, without it I would have been long gone.I am now putting my attention to traffic strategy using those keywords for generating some good traffic.
Take a look at what I have created so far and feel free to give me any feedback.
To all the new members coming through the door, stick around and work hard, it is worth it!
Now, what the heck does Akismet mean and where do I find the  find the key for it to work? 
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Labman_1 Premium
Looking good. There are some studies that indicate microwaves are detrimental to the efficacy of Garlic. Perhaps you should recommend roasting the garlic. Oh, and what is spike? Not familiar with that spice. Perhaps I just have a hole in my knowledge base if so, please explain it for me.
Shawn Martin Premium
That was a typo, thank for catching it. Should have said "such as spices" . In hind site you are right, it should be roasted. I will change it, thanks!
lionseye Premium
Congrats on your accomplishment! It's amazing what you can do in just 30 days, right? Don't worry about going back and relearning... you'll find you remember more than you thought. I do it all the time.
I found that making a check list of things "to do" when setting up a site really helps. What plugins to add, what boxes to check or un-check, ect.
Agree on the support here... nothing else like it on the web. Don't know how many times the chat has saved me hours if not days of trying to figure something out on my own... Keep up the good work, only good things can come from it!
Shawn Martin Premium
Thank you. I am one to just keep going and this is so much fun watching what results happen.