Jaxxy, it really is the only keyword tool you will need!

Last Update: July 03, 2012
Just started using Jaaxy today. I was a bit teed off that I ran out of searches with the keyword tool here, so I took the 10 day free trial of Jaaxy. Had no idea how to use it so off to the chat room for a crash course I went.

After getting some input on how to use it off I went to Street Articles to write some articles. I just checked the results of my work this afternoon, ( it is 11:05 PM here now ) Seems I made page one of the first article I wrote using it, BUT, on a keyword I did not use? LOL Go figure. It made it on the picture description, which I posted to Wayne in a G+ post.

Second article is page one, number one out of About 5,220,000 results (0.44 seconds) on the keyword I used.

Third did not do so good, Page 5 of about 886,000 results (0.44 seconds) Fourth did ok, page 1 out of 70 personal results. 28,700,000 other results. The point is it works. if I can do this the first time using it, I can not wait to play around with it a bit.
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mama2karsten Premium
I use Jaaxy daily... love it
Shawn Martin Premium
I agree, it is a great tool!
TJ Books Premium
I have been using JAAXY ever since it came out and that is the only tool I use now. I have a large number of lists with hundreds of wonderful keywords. I can't live without it.

My hours of keyword search have paid off. I already have the words long before I need them. John
Shawn Martin Premium
Awesome, I am glad i started using it. I can see it will be essential to doing good keyword research.
Boss_Jacob Premium
Its good to hear how Jaaxy is paying off for ya man I'll look into it myself thanks for the helpful tip best wishes man
Shawn Martin Premium
You are welcome and good luck with it!
Carson Premium Plus
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks for the product!
slayton1s Premium
I've used Jaaxy before. It's pretty awesome. I'm hoping my WA keyword tool doesn't run out though... I'm wanting to just get by with the WA keyword tool for now, lol. I'll probably run to Google Instant if I run out. the WA keyword tool has a small glitch in it if you haven't caught it. It gives incorrect traffic values for the non-exact searched terms sometimes. You have to search some high trafficking keywords exactly to get the exact traffic match.