day 3 and I keep getting stuck

Last Update: April 14, 2012

Hello everyone. Today I am stuck on not being able to watch the video on the day 3 training for beginners. The link, and pretty much any other video link in days one and two training, goes to the website screen. Anyone else having this problem ? I hate to work past a part of the training I can not get access to. Other than that I am ready to go here. I have my domain and website is built. Just waiting to add content.

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bstacy Premium
I have been here for years and the videos don't always work, you are better off using the written content it works much better for me
Marad Premium
The same here, I have search videos - found some of them. Don't ask me where as I don't know! Saw one about Keyword tool but where???
WayneBPK Premium
We are all dealing with that bro. Case Study 1 & 2 has all that info and a bunch more that Im just coming to in my training now. I thought jay mentioned something about fixing the video links lastnight
Shawn Martin Premium
I figured it all out, but the video would have helped, oh well, I am getting there.
Shawn Martin Premium
What is case study 1 & 2 ?