Frustratred, but OK with it.

Last Update: April 11, 2012

Hello everyone. This is my first blog here and I am in day two of  getting started training. I just felt like following Kyles advice and saying how I feel here. I am kind of anal when it comes to figuring things out, and that can be both good and bad. Right now I am almost done with the 30 in 30 challenge at Street Articles and I really like writing articles and am a bit surprised I have moved up to 11 in the rankings. I did not have my own web page so I used, and so far have made many mistakes but am learning as I go there. I put ad sense on all my blog pages without much success so far. I am looking forward to finishing that challenge to free up a bit of time. I was also offered the affiliate opportunity and I am very interested in that. I am kind of up against a wall here right now because in the day two training all the links are broken and I am ready to tackle setting up and creating my 1st web page through WA. Any feedback on whats happening to fix this would be appreciated. I also want to figure out all there is to using the keyword tool. I have been bouncing around all morning, and read all of the Learn How WA works training, now I am just looking around. Kind of like checking out your new digs. I am exited about getting up and running here and I am a sponge when it comes to learning, as long as I can prioritize everything correctly. I look forward to meeting new people and I really like the we all help each other theme here. Wish me luck, and feel free to look me up. I am frustrated that I can not move forward right now, but I am also a very patient soul.


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Marad Premium
Just would add that I found some videos when searching for them. So I saw one about keyword tool. Also few people wrote great blogs about it. Regarding the web - please try to pick web theme which is not too complicated. I started with Swift which in the end did not work (err in dictonary etc - need to contact designer to fix it). I spent all day trying to make it right and the end decided to change the theme for much eaiser to set up Twentyeleven. Want to say that the site has to look reasonably good and it doesn't mean we have to spend ages to set it up. WordPress system is really great and simple, read the How to work with the Theme first when you load one - it will save you a lot of time. Ad AdSense - I don't think you can make much money just on adSense on the Blog. You really need web, than few more (read how succesfull people did it - one has 100 webs! - gosh! ) and you need affiliate program. All the best - and yes, I am on day 5 only and have to write my first article. Total nightmare as English is not my first language but HEY I will improve my writing as a side effect of WA lol
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks Marad. I have been writing at Street Articles for about a month now, so I have that all figured out. I bet the language thing would be hard.
Marad Premium
Shawn as you see I am capable to write but luckily have a friend who will read it everything I will write and correct my style. She is native speaker and has experience to write press releases etc - so it will somehow work ;o)
WayneBPK Premium
Good stay frustrated!!!! Did the case study WAbinar help? Thats pretty much where Im getting most of my info from. That and following along with training as much as I can.
Shawn Martin Premium
I would love to be able to find where they store the videos for all this. I figured it all out on my own. Check it out
kyle Premium Plus
Get yourself a website. A website in a niche that you are interested in and passionate about. A website will go up in value whereas a free website (like blogger) you do not really own, you have rights to the content, but the overall framework you do not.

Buy a domain, put up a website using our website builder and then start working on that. Follow through the 30 day success club here at WA!
Praise Premium
" the day two training all the links are broken" - Copy the links and paste in another browser. Hope I understood your questions correctly.
kyle Premium Plus
I will fix, thanks.
Shawn Martin Premium
This worked, I used chrome and got through.