The Simple Key to Success

Last Update: July 04, 2012
I often hear Kyle & Carson repeatedly say, write unique content and do it to inform your reader. Don't really worry about link wheels, ranking on Google, backlinks, and everything else. Well, you want to know something? They're right... don't worry about it. They've been doing this 10 years, they know what they're talking about. Look at Street Articles for example. Kyle, Carson, and all the other moderators who run SA built that article directory with the ideal of giving unique and informative content to the reader. Despite how I'm sure they have some sort of conscientious feeling towards the seemingly ever-changing, sophisticated Google Bot; they formed there guidelines with the concept of purely white hat idealization, the people they're writing for, and offering the best content to the people (much like Jimmy Wales with Wikipedia).

Sorry if I may be confusing you a little, but do you remember all the hype with the anti-piracy laws & SOPA? If you do, you might remember all the appeals made by everybody, including Jimmy himself. If you know anything about what went on during Congress, Jimmy Wales, the people who work under him, & Wikipedia came out to be a large reason WHY they didn't go through with the SOPA bill, despite rumors of any future superseding. They knew Wikipedia writes for the sole purpose of informational there reader about important topics you can normally only find in old dusty bookshelves in large libraries (nothing against books, just saying. I love old fashioned books). Since they had built themselves up to be a major helping factor to today's online world, they turned themselves into a major influential factor.

The same applies too you & your online marketing. No, you don't have 100's of experts writing highly detailed and relevant information over many & various topics (unless you're a highly successful Internet Marketing who have a lot of people working for you), but you are an internet marketer writing over something you love or enjoy doing. Write to inform your reader, write as if you were writing for Wikipedia, write as if you were writing for Street Articles, and then you will see success in many types of fashions. Google will love you one 1 form or another, other search engines will love you, people can relate to what you're saying, people will find what you're doing, that little switch will go 'click' inside people's heads, people will like your content on social medias, your content will go viral in one way or another, and you will make sales.

Enough said.

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Amy Farr Premium
True, it can't be spelled out enough. Too many people are on here complaining that they have been working at this and its not going anywhere...
Work the system the way it is built and it will work for you.
Good advice
Shawn Martin Premium
Thanks for the post, it is interesting.I love being loved! :)