Do I Wear the Black Hat? - If I Look It, I'm Usually Joking

Last Update: June 13, 2012
Given most people don't full understand the concept behind Internet Marketing, it's kind of hard to really convey my thoughts on the matter. But I know for certain that all the products created out there made to cheat the system & somehow "make it easier on you" will not work. So if you're one of those people who think you can pay somebody 30 bucks for a little piece of software, not going to happen buddy. Just do your own work.

I Like to Joke

If you catch me talking about using black hat techniques for ranking higher in Google, it's because I'm partly joking. I honestly have not used any black hat method thus far, and I don't plan on it either. In the rare instance I actually did, it would be a very isolated incident that definitely would not have a major impact on the "overall structure" of any of my own personal Internet Marketing campaigns.

So the next time you catch me talking about trying to figure out how to hack Youtube, adding everybody on the whole database, or somehow hacking into there message system to send everybody a Wealthy Affiliate advertisement - take heed that I'm mainly joking.

If you're seriously curious about what types of software you'd need to succeed with copying content (and other naughty things), the only things I know of that would actually help you are:
  • SEnuke X – $147 Per Month
  • ArticleRanks Pro – $89 Per Month
  • MyArticleNetwork – $67 Per Month
  • Xrumer – One off Cost of $590
  • Dedicated Server to run Xrumer and other software – $164 Per Month
The the ONLY reason to use the above mentioned products would be an attempt on trying to rank on 1 keyword. So you're wasting $1,000 to pretty much rank higher via a higher competition keyword. You're also risking getting banned by Google, especially if you haven't done your research. You have to be smart & do your research on that type of stuff before you start basing your actual campaign around that stuff.

But just get your head off of it, cuz no. Just write your own unique content & do your own work. I'm sure most of you reading this don't have $1000 to blow on something that MIGHT help you a little towards ranking purposes, with large leeway towards being a HUGE time & money waster.
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Bigman Premium
Hacking and Black Hat Techniques are not the same.
Hacking is against the law in most countries.
Black Hat Marketing isn't illegal, it's just unethical.
Have I done BH Marketing? Yes and at times still do.
But before anyone plays with the BH side of things you have to have a very good understanding of the White Hat Methods first.

All the services listed above are not BH Methods they are services for gaining paid backlinks.
Many members here on WA paid for such services but I would consider none of them as BH Marketers.
I own one piece of software that does all the above and it's a one off fee but if you don't know how to use it properly, you will bury your sites into the deepest abyss of Google, which I have already done once.
This only happened because Google decided that Paid Backlink Services were wrong and de-indexed them.
It isn't what you do that is wrong, it's how you decide to use it!

