Posts by Sox1n05 58
So here in the Midwest (the US), we lost something early this morning - WE LOST AN HOUR! Sure this may be a bad thing because in theory, there are only 23 hours in my day today!  Bummer, right? I think NOT!  What I did was wake up extra early and take advantage of the time that my kids WON'T be awake!  It's all about turning a bad thing into a positive thing! Yeah I've been up for almost 4 hours now, but I've been able to get a ton of work done.  Hey, sleep isn't going to
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I have been moving at what seems like warp speed the last 5 months of my life.  Campaigns, products, putting fires out, etc.  It's really been a blur to be honest with you.   I'm lucky if I can remember to tie my shoe!! It's been a crazy ride.  I just can't believe it's been five months already.  I always know when my anniversary is because I get that friendly reminder from PayPal about my dues!  ;) But five months?  That is an eternity for me!  I g
Back when I started with the WA, I really wasn't sure what I was expecting.  If there was a model for a "Been there, done that" type of guy, that was me!  Blah, blah, blah, right?  I came here really not expecting a whole lot. As a matter of fact, I started when they had the $1.00 promo going.  Even then, I was a bit reluctant.  So after about a week (yes, it took me a WEEK to spend the dollar and try the WA), I gave it a go.   Within that week, I learned
The last couple of months have been an absolute roller coaster ride.  I went from writing articles and lenses to building websites and products.  It just shows how quickly things can change when you find the right opportunity.  That's the biggest thing that I have found in ANY business is having the ability to switch gears right away! I cannot be more satisfied however.  After getting our product launched with great success, it was right back to work!  Creating new camp
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Today is a VERY special day for me.  When I started here in October of last year, I didn't know what to expect.  I knew OF internet marketing and I was REALLY good at losing out on Pay-Per-Click.  I didn't know though how to really market properly.  I didn't know about articles, Squidoo Lenses, indexing, etc.  So basically I knew that people spent a ton of money online, I just didn't know how to reach them. My blog is pretty transparent with both my struggles and my succ
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February 01, 2010
Well, for me it's been almost a week since I've updated my blog!  Wow, that's a long time!  I've actually taken a step from the WA for a few days so I can dedicate more time to mine and Pete's product.  While I am super excited that we're getting close to being done, I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't tired!!  Having a good product is a heck of a lot more work than I thought - this is true! The cool thing however is that I never envisioned myself having a product when I sta
As I rapidly approach my 4th month here at the WA, there are still somethings that remain constant.  Just as one plus one will always equal two, so does internet marketing. As I become more involved with both the WA and my own internet marketing adventures, the same premise still exists - research and action will result in success.  At the very basic level, you are not going to make any money without applying what you learn as many times as possible until you get it right! Let's say th
I had mentioned in a previous post that I was working a new product another great person here at the WA - Pete, aka, slugger_mn.  It's a really enlightening experience to work with someone who has the EXACT same mentality for success.  That mentality is - I AM GOING TO SUCCEED! It may not be now, it may not be in six months, but I AM GOING TO SUCCEED! The idea for our product originated maybe six weeks back or so.  I don't even remember who's idea it was (Pete will gladly take cre
...but who ever said it was? There are some pretty ridiculous statements flying around here lately that there's a misconception about WA.  That misconception is that WE ALL THINK THE WA is all peaches and cream.  Who in the world ever said that?  Must be someone just imagining things? We all simply choose to conduct ourselves in a positive manner right? After all, negativity will get you NOWHERE fast! No one ever claimed that this was easy.  As a matter of fact, if you lo
January 16, 2010
THE MORE WORK! I've been keeping a full head of steam for the last month or so and just amazed how much I've been able to learn.  There's one problem though - It becomes REALLY hard to get anything done!! I mean that in a good way though.  See the more I learn, the more I want to do!  This would be great if I had time.  At this point though, I'm still in the 9-5 grind (like most of you!) and have responsibilities like my kids and my wife. So what I did yesterday was get the k
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