Posts by Sox1n05 58
November 16, 2009
Of course this victory came after a few defeats, but I'm starting to forget about those defeats whenever I win! The other day I mentioned that I'm getting solid traffic to my lens everyday and am making sales around 100 hops per sale.  Not too bad being that...IT'S FREE!  While the commission maybe low, it's still commission.  At this rate, I will be around $150 or so a month - not too shabby!  Now I need to increase traffic to get that bumped up! The cool thing is that I fou
November 15, 2009
This was a tough weekend for me and my IM aspirations.  I'm in the middle of midterms for school so that doesn't help.  The last couple of days though, I've been having some problems staying focused on one thing.  I've completed another campaign from PotPieGirl's OWM this morning and then I went on to start researching another niche. I haven't been able to stick with one niche.  I have made three sales from one product, so I'm thinking about ditching Squidoo for a couple of d
November 13, 2009
Hell if I know!  If you're asking me, you're talking to the wrong person! The last couple of days have been sort of a blur.  I saw my Bears falter again so I drank my sorrows away and am having a hard time staying focused.  I did get another couple of articles out there today and used FeedPing for some of my lenses.  So it wasn't a complete wasted days. I'm getting to the point know where it seems that I am just spinning my wheels.  Some of my hot Squid lenses aren't ind
November 12, 2009
I usually don't pay too much attention to nominal statistics.  This is primarily because they really don't have any bearing on what I'm doing.  Today is a bit different.  I was completely thrilled when I saw this... For one reason or another, I noticed my member rank this morning.  It is at # 4!  How in the world did that happen?  I know that I am active in the forum, but I'm sure that there are more people that dedicate more time and effort than I. Either way, I am
November 10, 2009
Today was a busy day for me.  Work was crazy and the kids weren't any better when I got home.  My plan was to work out, do some homework (5 weeks left until my BA!), do a bit of IM and then conk out for the night.  Wow, plans do change! I did workout and I did some IM and then some more IM and MORE!  It is like a bad habit - REALLY!  When I don't see any sales, I want to do more!  (for those keeping track, it didn't take me long to check my CB account as I said yest
November 09, 2009
I had mentioned in my earlier blog post how I completely BOMBED on a campaign.  The product was crap and had a low commission.  I created a large campaign surrounding this.  I am still getting close to 100 visits to each lens a week, so I definitely know how to get traffic to a site. That being said, what I did was monetized my lenses.  Originally I stayed away from that because it detracts the reader from my affiliate link.  Since the product converts like garbage, I fi
1 comment
November 08, 2009
Well if that's the case, I would have stopped a long time ago! I posted in my last blog, that I was able to get two sales within a 7 day period.  Boy was I psyched!  I figured I was on the right track.  Well I was (and still am I guess) on the right track, but I've had no sales since then.  Bummer! I check my CB account and am still getting some traffic to my aff. products.  139 hops in three days, so I can get the traffic part going, but just not the sales! So what did
November 06, 2009
***For Those Looking for the Joke - Just Skip to the Bottom!!***   I know because I just paid for another month!!  I thought that I would sort of recap what has happened through the course of this last month.  I posted a rather lengthy post if the success stories, but I'm going to do the same here. Now I just copied and pasted this from my post - "So to date, I have published around 100 articles, ( I published them all over the place, so I can quite remember!) 31 Squidoo Len
November 04, 2009
I am patiently waiting for Ezine to go through the rest of my pending articles so I can hopefully get bumped to Platinum status.  While I wait, I decided to do a few things - including some keyword research a write some more articles. During this time though, I thought about what makes me want to promote a particular product and why people would buy it.  Of course, this seems like the natural progression of market research.  Then I thought, it would be interesting if there was som
November 03, 2009
I was able to secure my first natural sale on Sunday and have been living the life since then!  Now it being Tuesday, I'm starting to come down.  I'm sure you all can relate - you have your first sale and you think things are going to start rolling in, but that isn't the case.  It's a matter of still getting content out there.  Just because I had a sale doesn't mean that I'm done! So instead of getting upset or irritated (which I am, but...) I decided to keep moving with my a