Posts by Sox1n05 58
November 01, 2009
They are definitely better than Monday, just by nature.  Monday's just historically suck for me.  I guess it's the fact that I'm back to work after just two measly days off.  Ugh. This Monday, 11/2/09, is a little different for me though.  See, yesterday when I was on my little "break" from WA (needed to clear my melon - if you know what I mean!), I just checked my CB stats right before the Bear's game and to what did my eyes behold??  My first sale!  $33!
October 29, 2009
I haven't done a whole lot the last couple of days with WA or my IM campaigns.  I've been extremely busy and just haven't had the time.  It's amazing though how "guilty" I feel for not doing anything.  I guess that's a good sign! I'm going to try and knock out some other crap before this weekend, so I can focus on what I need to do.  I want to be able to get another 5 good lenses and articles posted this weekend. So enough about me.... How's everyone else doing? Is
and neither will my IM Business! This is something that I think a lot of folks struggle with...including myself!  Today's society is focused so much "get it now", that we forget how to actually WORK at something.  It is for this reason that the"get rich quick" schemes are so popular. I hate waiting for things.  I hate waiting for shipping, I hate having to go to the store, etc.  This is what makes my adventure in IM so difficult.  Because I'm an insta
1 comment
October 25, 2009
Today was pretty much a day off for me.  The kids, my wife, and I all carved pumpkins and hung out outside.  It wise actually nice because I was starting to fell that I was dedicating too much time to WA and IM that I was actually forgetting why it is that I'm actually here - and that is because of my family.  While it was a sort of day off for me, I have been following my stats.  Between my 27 lenses, I have 140 hits.  Now this number is a bit skewed because of my check
October 24, 2009
Wow, I've been busier than all this week. I mentioned before that I'm on my last semester of school and they sure do save the best for last!  Man it's been rough!  What's even more rough is that I'm still spending quite a bit of time on my IM campaigns.  While I'm supposed to spend time on my campaigns, I know that I'm neglecting my family too.  It's hard though.  I want to be successful for my kids and wife, but why am I doing it if I'm not enjoying them now?  Anyw
...and I'm still here!  I had my first week of my new semester start so I spend all of Friday and Saturday doing school work.  Bummer - I wish I could spend that time writing articles or something!   Anyway, I mentioned before that I purchased potpie girl's OWM program and well, so far so good!  My first five lenses got indexed without a hitch in 24 hours.  3 of which are on Google's first page!  I will say that it took a lot of work to get 5 good lenses publis
So it's about 11p and I'm beat.  For those who care, I am a father to two small boys, 6 and almost 4 and they just suck the life right out of me!  It's great though, I wouldn't change it for the world.  Anyway, I'm also finishing up my last semester at school.  I'm 30 years old and decided to go back and get my BA.  I'll be done before Christmas.  YEAH!  So between a full-time profession, family man, and school, I'm left with very little time to really soak all
October 16, 2009
Well, here we go.  I've never actually blogged about myself before, but I figured if I was going to do it, now is the time!  It's been 11 days since I've joined WA and I think so far it's been a very positive experience.  I'm learning a lot everyday.  It was sort of a wake up call for me though in that I wasn't going to get rich in just a couple of months.  I never really thought that it would be this hard!  I think that I almost had to dump everything that I though