Posts by Sox1n05 58
So I've been going back and forth about this for awhile now.  I just wasn't sure if I could do it.  But, I believe it's about that time... What really got me going was what happened yesterday.  I posted the other day that there were two goals that I still haven't reached -  - 2 sales in a day - The $100 day Well, yesterday it happened.  I had three sales and hit my $100 mark!  That's great, right? Except I was left feeling a bit empty.  Don't get me wrong, I wa
Hey All, I wanted to post this on my blog as well as the success forum.  I'm not sure how many of you get a chance to visit the forums -   When you see folks posting in the success forum, it is not by accident.  Sales are not made by accident - period. I am not posting this as a bragging page, rather as an inspiration to those who may be struggling.  If you are like me, you enjoy reading success stories but a part of you gets PISSED OFF because it isn't you!  Am I right
January 06, 2010
I AM RETRACTING ONE OF MY GOALS! In one of my previous blogs, I mentioned how I wanted to crank out 10-15 articles a day.  Do you remember that one?  Yeah, that was the one that I said I could get them done really quick, etc....  Well, it's time to revise that!  Hot DAMN that's a lot of work!  Not that I am afraid of work or anything like that, but between work and my family, I haven't been able to come close to that!  I did however get five articles done today and
January 04, 2010
I've taken a bit of time away from WA the last week and half or so as well as the time I've put into my campaigns.  With the holidays and such, not only was I extremely busy, but I was also just getting burnt out! That doesn't mean however that I quit.  No, no, no ladies and gentleman!  I have not quit - just recharging the proverbial  battery.  I realized just how easy it is to write yourself into a rut and I need to be careful with that.  I've noticed too that dur
1 comment
December 29, 2009
OK, well sales are REALLY AWESOME, but you know what the next best thing is? For me, it is when things start to click.  Now I don't mean like a little "light bulb" moment, I mean like EVERYTHING starts to click.  It's one really BRIGHT LIGHT BULB! For those of you who have been following my blogs, you probably know that I've been working my tail off the last couple of months.  It seemed as though I was just going through the motion
I have never really bought into the whole New Year thing.  Sure I'd celebrate with friends and such, but as far as New Year Resolutions went, I just thought of them as empty promises.  That was until WA. When you find yourself stuck in the monotonous routine like EVERYDAY LIFE, you stop really having things to strive FOR.  What you find yourself doing is simply existing - nothing more, nothing less.  I am guilty as charged... I have always thought of myself as being a motiva
It's true though, isn't it?  It would save me a lot of time and aggravation if I decided just to pack it in go on my merry way!  Sometimes I feel like that... See I have noted a lot of my early successes throughout my 2+ months here at WA.  I envisioned me progressing, not regressing.  What happened here?  I'm getting plenty of traffic.  In two months of working Ezine and other article sites, I have over 4,000 clicks / hops.  It's kind of depressing. Here's wha
It's amazing how we try and come up with excuses to help justify what we as humans do or DON'T DO! My big excuse was school.  While I would try and get some of my schoolwork done during the week, I usually waited until Sat. and Sun. to get a bulk of it done.  It drove my wife NUTS! Nonetheless, I submitted my last assignment yesterday and have unofficially completed my BA.  What does this mean???  I CAN NO LONGER USE SCHOOL AS MY CRUTCH! I have some pretty hefty goals that I
That seems to be a common problem with me here.  I want to try and do things differently from what we're being taught.  What the heck is my problem?!  How many times do you have to bring a horse to water BEFORE THEY DRINK?  Apparently a lot because I'm not drinking enough! Actually what I really have a problem with over-complicating things.  It seemed that once I had a bit of success, I tried to do too much including websites, e-mail lists, etc.  Being that I am sti
where a lot of folks start to lose steam...and I can see why.     It's been three weeks for me without a sale and it's been BRUTAL!   I was able to score seven sales in a month and then NOTHING!  It's pretty disheartening actually.  It's almost like starting over again. The difference however is that I know it works!  Obviously it works because I was able to round up some sales.  It's now just a matter of re-focusing myself and maybe taking a couple of ste