Posts by Thesue 47
I think it is amazing my ranking is as high as it is when I was not in the club! I understand that the ranking has little to do with what you know, but everything to do with how much you use the tools they have here for us.  But my WA knowledge is not slipping!  I am having trouble now finding time to keep up with the training.  I got access to the Article Marketing certification and the Inside the List and If I spend too much time there, I am not adding post and pages to my stu
Although I have one or two more tasks to do, I can say I successfully completed the article marketing course that Marcus ran. I learned a lot about the structure of daily tasks  I know the routine you are supposed to do I get how they have you set up a web page I still hate social bookmarks  they are annoying For some reason finding blogs to post on is easier than forums to get stupid backlinks I almost have a routine down for those crazy things. I have several people I can go direct
I was answering a question in the forum today and had the best AHA moment ever.  They always tell us to write quickly, don't put too much thought into it, and how it it is like writing an eamail.  No more thatn 45 minutes. Yea, right is what I used to say, and can still struggle with from time to time. The person I was responding to said how hard it was to stop writing like college essays, that kind of perfection is drilled into you from elementary school on, you write, edit, change th
September 28, 2010
I am writing here to procrastinate working on my 30 day article marketing assignment from Marcus.  In this case it is not that I do not get it, I just can't get started today.  Once I get there, I will be able to do my three tasks and move along.  It made me think of some of the things I end up doing here on WA and for my own when I am procrastinating--- a lot of them end up being quite useful and some well, serve the purpose, it wastes time until I can gear back up. USEFUL DATA
Those who know me, will probably wonder why I am doing this--- I was afraid i would take a space that someone else could use. Do I know, at least in my head most of what they will teach?  Probably  BUT  I do not know the holes I have-- (yea in my head ;}   Really, this way I will discover any little piece that is missing.It should be the icing on the cake for me--The end of the tunnel? The other thing is it will force me to do the things I know I should do, but do not always
I have read everything there is to read and then some on Backlinks.  Everything is ALWAYS explained by category   Articles,bookmarking, forums etc.   But when  you DO it, you need to do a little of this and a little of that and build it all up together---- So I have this idea of creating a document that I will put into an excel file one day with a numbered list  and the anchor links to the places  I need to go in the order I should do it. So I would do it
I have four  things going.  My WA funnel,  a real products  program from CWS and I caved an bought MarkLings Jetpack, mainly for the articles and content.  but am following his suggestions just to see.  I am also doing research for aloyal subscriber.  One more thing would be too many.  What has been cool is my confidence and foundation from WA has made learning these systems a piece of cake.  I get it and it does not make my eyes roll back in my head
I know I have said this before, but this time is for real  I have a plan and am sticking to it.  Actually I have three plans. There is no reason this will not work and get the cash flow to begin on a regular basis. I bought some stuff, I joined a article submission place, I got a free bonus rewrting thing.  So I am good, and should not need any other tools for awhile. i have my wonderful WA Wordpress Express that makes that thing palatable for  So my first Consumer Wealth Sys
July 21, 2010
I yearn for the day I do not forget things when I have to take a break! My84 year old mother was visiting the past two week, and of course I got nothing done in IM! I did manage to get on the forum once or twice, but I could not concentrate enough to work on things hit and miss.  It made me yearn for the day when I have things set up that they mainly need daily maintenance and not my full attention.  Then taking a week or two off will not matter! I have three pots on the fire so to sp
I thought this would be fun.  A year ago I wrote a forum post about the things that annoyed me most from the consumer's point of view about those testimonial letter websites.  It was a chance to give a fresh look from a non-marketer about some practices, food for thought.before I took the training. It got two pages worth of responses, one guy was going to use it in his training course as an eye-opener. So ONE YEAR later, I am reprinting it here, and  will comment on what I think N
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