Posts by Thesue 47
I guess I pretty much decided to stay as I am involved in several things here on WA!   July 5 will be my one year post, and I already have a plan for it. Multiple streams of income Here is what I am doing: Creating the WABlog and Funnel.  Mainly for a learning tool-- see how Kyle and Carson set it up from a marketing angle, and since I was not promoting it before, it will help with stats on the new price from someone who did not promote it in the past.    I am wri
I would love to turn this into a tutorial, and save Carson and Kyle some time.  However in order to do that I need answers!  I put this on the forum and got one response, for three or four of the items. Here is the list I have compiled so far, from setting things up, from the content they give you and some Aweber questions.    I will include the answers I got so far, but would love to first know the answers myself and  second be able to share them with everyone else. Blo
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Originally my criteria for WA membership renewal was that I had to make enough money in IM to cover my initial yearly cost, and enough for the full cost of the second year.  If I did that I would stay.   I met that goal, finally... in March. But My second goal was to be able to make a decent part time retirement income. I was thinking between a minimum $1000/month  and if I was lucky $2000/month.(I was not foolish enough to believe all that $10k a month blather)I am SOO NOT THERE!
It is beyond frustrating  to post a forum question and have it go unanswered!!!!   Did you know there is a link at the top left corner of the Forum Board Index that says "unanswered posts?"  I read in the forum that a couple people have made a commitment to answer at least one forum post a day that has no answers posted. I know one reason this happens is there are so many posts, it can get pushed to page two before you know it. What a great idea.  I jumped r
It has been a few weeks now... I still have to go in and get some exact figures....and I will put together a fact based thing to post, THE EXPERIMENT-- see the last post--- Two products from same niche     All the links from Ezine goes to one;  all the links from Article Base go to the other. So far one sale each --- Article Base published faster Ezine initially ranked higher Ezine traffic initially was higher-- although I think it slowed down--when it is off the recently publi
I decided to do an experiment between Ezine and Article Base article submission directories.  I saw Pot Pie's DAM way as the perfect opportunity to experiment!   I only have to write articles and links using the domain forwarding  to the product and use Ezine and ArticleBAse tracking data.  It is a pure sample because it is all based on the articles and no website, blogs or Squidoo  and back links to muddy up the waters.   I am still figuring out how to use all
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March 08, 2010
I made it! I went through Google ranking suggestions and now I know what Digg is--(not a shovel)... It will be interesting to see what difference that makes. sure is a lot of hoops to jump through.  I don't even know how to check where the site is on  Google!  I guess type in my key words...and scroll.... I have a test site that is doing very well, like a sale or two a day, so I need to take the next step on that one --- I got a seasonal thing up and running, that is what I used
February 25, 2010
 I am really going to do it this time, I am tackling backlinks.  I am going to continue on my previous plan with finding markets and running test campaigns via blogger as a landing page, but I am going to use what I have out there, and has shown some insterest, and learn all bout this backlink stuff. I have several tutorials and a blog thread to follow . This is the BIG ONE:  Here is one tutorial  very deailed on WA Share But before I tackle all of that, I have to get this Fr
I keep fighting it, but I can't help but thinking there is some big secret I do not know about.  I know that is not true, but it just seems there are so many little things you have to learn  that everyone says are easy to do, " Just go and sign up here and there, and don't forget to do these other things." Easier said than done because I don't know how to even start learning about them! There is ALWAYS a glitch somewhere, some little piece of information I need and do not hav
 TODAY with MORE falling on us we are just snowoverit!!! This is the most recent catchword on the Mid Atlantic Coast-- THREE storms all measured in feet, in less than two weeks!  Since snow is fun to watch come down, and does need shoveled, and the neighbor lady who is 76 years old needed shoveled out,too---- WA was not as focused as I would have liked. I am still staying the making It My Own course I set up, have contacted the vendors for some ideas, and problem solving. One is givin