Posts by Angelle 31
While we all know that goal setting is a very important part of internet marketing, we usually don't give much thought to making sure we set good goals.  We get goals confused with wishes and when those wishes don't come true, we get discouraged and want to quit. Setting wishful goals is one of the best ways to set yourself up to fail.  Especially when you are new.  Now when you joined WA, I'm sure you had visions of sugar plums dancing in your head about all the money you will ma
Hey all,  Just a quick post before I call it a night.  I decided to stop checking my affiliate accounts for a while a few weeks back.  I quit peaking and have been focusing on a niche blog I'm working on.  I even started using Google Chrome so I couldn't see my CBNotify in Firefox.  :-D Well tonight I ran into a website that doesn't like Chrome so I went to Firefox to open it up. And what did you think I found?  Yep, a sale!!  So then I decided to see if anyt
There is so much in the world these days to be pretty down about.  It hit close to home this week when I saw someone that I have known and worked with for years get handed his walking papers.  And I know that anyone can be next.  Including me.   I felt really bad that day.  Bad for him and his family and scared for me and mine.   I got weary of feeling bad and decided to resist the urge to go to bed depressed.  Instead, I decided to work on my latest campaign.&
May 17, 2010
Nope, I don't mean to have a fit everytime the smallest thing happens to you.  What I do mean is to give your self a pat on the back for even the smallest victories. It's part of our nature to think that only big things equal success.  Millions of dollars, multiple homes, expensive cars, round the world trips.... Don't get me wrong, I'd love to have all of that too.  But the fact of the matter is, all of that big success starts with one dollar, an ap
I'm sitting here tonight working on spinning some articles for my current campaign.  The TV is on The History Channel and we are watching a show called America - The Story of Us.   Tonight, they are talking about slavery.  Although I have seen documentaries about slavery in the past, each time I watch one, I am often moved to tears, but at the same time strengthened and proud of what my ancestors endured and survived.  And thankful for those who chose to step out in spit
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April 19, 2010
Hey folks! I had to go and get my hair done yesterday.  As you can see, I wear my hair in tiny locs, so it takes a while when I go to get them done. :-)  So I took a pen and notebook with me and wrote out ten articles for my current campaign.  I felt really good about that!  Now all I have to do is type them out submit them, spin them and submit some more!  And while listening to some shop talk, I picked up another possible niche idea!  No
April 17, 2010
I was sitting here watching Made on MTV and I heard a 17 year old kid give some serious wisdom about determination.  He said... "There is the pain of discipline and the pain of regret.  The pain of discipline is only temporary, but the pain of regret lasts a lifetime."  So let's deal with the pain of discipline and get going on those campaigns so we have no regrets! What a smart kid eh?  To our success!  Cheers!!
April 17, 2010
OK, I know I stole that title from Beyonce...but it fits, so there!  :-)  Just a quick tip this AM before we head out to buy a bike for the kiddo.   If you don't use a check list, you should.  It really gives your efficiency a boost, keeps you focused, and it's a great motivator.  Something about having a list to follow helps you stay on track.  You always know what to do next.  And it feels great to see all that you have accomplished down on paper.  So t
April 15, 2010
Hey all,  I just had an idea that I wanted to share about finding niche ideas.   And it may even help you find a little peace if you have some drama going on in your life.  :-) I've noticed that whenever I start making some progress, little things or sometimes big things come up in life that can get you off track.  And it can become frustrating or even steal some of the joy you had from making progress.  So tonight the light bulb went off in my head and I got an idea for
April 14, 2010
Folks I've been building and praying for a ray of sunshine via a sale in my Clickbank account.  After all the nights of pushing myself to stay up after my kids go to bed when I would love to just go to sleep,  I really needed a little inspiration.  Well tonight I got it!! I have the CBNotify tool loaded in Firefox, so if I get a sale, it shows down on the bottom corner of the window.  Normally, its all zeros down there.  I'm so used to seeing those zeros that I rarely e