Cleaning House To Regain Focus

Last Update: July 14, 2010

Too many good free things come our way. Free Ebooks about the lastest and most secret  (place choice here). PLR articles out the gazoo (no way in Hades could we use them all) unlessyou break 'em down or something and give them away to someone else who in turn would put in their larder (or hard drive). Loading up with new e-mail folders with the next best thing for making big bucks,where said e-mails will lay dormant until your PC dies of old age or from gluttony. (like my last one did)

Reading the Forums today here on WA I happened to read the following

AVOID DISTRACTIONS - Bin all your other email signups ... that keep tempting you with the latest greatest trick, secret, technique .. the google assassin etc ... stop spending forever in IM forums ... etc. Now in order to give credit to where credit is due this little blurb came from 

Result of Years Panning for Gold in the WA Forum - Come See

Postby TerryB on Thu May 29, 2008 5:22 pm 

I like some of the older forum posts. They get messages long after the the person who posted the thing is gone. Call it old school way of getting info on the sly. Information which you don't need to store anywhere.

Which brings me up to what this somewhat lengthy blogpost of mine is.

I just spent 4 hours of cleaning house and deleting stuff I don't use anymore. I unsubscribed to almost 90 % of my e-mail subscriptions some dating back as far as 2003. I emptied all but 2 of my E-mail folders.

Now all I have to do is focus on what it is I want to do or where I want to be 30 days from now.

It is sure to be easier now since I know where everything is.



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wildflower40 Premium
I was just thinking of doing this same thing. Information overload aahhh! I haven't started because then I end up stopping to read the stuff to delete!
Barnabus Premium
jatdebeaune, Thanks for dropping by. I'll give all the people who I unsubscribed or opted out too, a week to ten days. They are sort of like vampires..Once you invite them into your domain they can come in anytime they please (almost) My sandbox is a lot cleaner, but still has a few hidden well dug in critters I am getting one by one...takes a bit of time. As far as why the opt out reasons..I leave it blank..keeps em guessing (ha-ha) Until next time Peace ....Barnabus
Barnabus Premium
dec944, Just as in insect control changing out pesticides is the only true way to go.(unless of course the smash and squish method is used which takes longer, but more effective ...ha-ha) As far as keeping focus when working alone..fuhgeddaboutit. Being in an empty room with nothing but white space all around, I will find something to draw my attention away from whatever it is I am supposed to be doing stemming from an over active imagination. Well,thanks for paying me a visit. Have a great day..Peace ....Barnabus
jatdebeaune Premium
Unsubscribing is the only real way to get rid of stuff. I deleted everything last week, but now it's back. So, the task of unsubscribing is at hand. Last time I did it, I got email from the same people asking why I was opting out. You must feel much better with a clean box.
dec944 Premium
Ah, the purge. It is the most liberating feeling. Unfortunately, I think so many of us have done the great purge only to find what ever was choking us back reappears in full force a year later. The key to a good purge is to change habits with the purge. My mantra is "find a process". If we don't change our process once we get "organized" we'll just be unorganized again and feel unfocused. Remember, find a process then rinse and repeat.

I've recently done a blog and couple of posts on focus because I know working alone can have all sorts of distractions. It seems there are a number of people struggling with focus the past couple of months. Maybe it's the hot weather, maybe it's the business, maybe it's competition. Don't know but it's great to see people getting a handle on it.