Posts by Bkb2012 143
Hey There Fellow WA Buddies, I hope your day has been met with some success! I'll let you in on a secret. Chalk it up to another day struggling with the site editor over at the WA resource creation section. It has to be my browser at Firefox...or too many neighbors downloading movies for fun...., or maybe I'm still missing the boat.  Whatever the reason, I'll hang in there if you will. In Internet marketing, you just have to keep on working even when your work moves slower than a snail.&n
Hello Fellow WA Buddies! I'm on a roll this weekend but I'd like to share brainstorming tips I use to zero in on several smaller niches.  When you're first new, just focus on 1 campaign.  As you help other Internet marketers get what they need, they will ask you for content suggestions.  This content helps your mind see new possibilities it hadn't formerly considered. Finding A Niche That Pays This can be one of the most time-consuming aspects of Internet marketing.  It's e
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Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies! I'll share a secret with you. Today was challenging.  In case you haven't noticed, Internet marketers hit a lot of brick walls.  The key to your success is to break through those barriers. The content I'm posting here was put into the WA system tutorial, but the editor crashed as I was entering step 6.  I believe it was the Firefox browser that crashed...or maybe I was too slow.  When I went back to find my unpublished resource, I got zero sear
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Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies! How Do I Start My Campaign, Part 2 ? Visiting with a WA buddy this morning. He asked, "My problem is not how to start but how to stay motivated". The information in this post expands, "How I Got Started Online" (another post) so it may have some repetitious content.  When you know what you're doing to get an end-result (paid), the marketing becomes fun. Here's what I mean. Focus On Getting Results What motivates marketers is NOT the pr
Welcome Back Fellow Buddies! First -- This post addresses a challenge for you.  There's an easy tendency to think "fast money".  Yes -- it can be had. No -- solid business buildling takes time. No matter what your business philosophy, the reality is that Internet marketing requires huge time, daily energy, and lots of care.  But.., did you know that success really boils down to one thing?  It's not what you buy or necessarily market..., It's YOU They'll Want It is
Welcome Back Fellow Wealthy Affiliate Buddies! Today's post is unique.  As stated in a prior post, my superaffiliate site is under construction..., but for now, I'd like to share some empowering information that will shed light on your Internet marketing. It took me a while to figure out that there are many, many ways to work this business. Much of it starts with trying different things to figure out which skills you'll naturally gravitate towards. Repeating, Here Are Some Common Skills Whi
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Welcome Back Fellow Wealthy Affiliate Buddies! Today's post is unique.  As stated in a prior post, my superaffiliate site is under construction..., but for now, I'd like to share some empowering information that will shed light on your Internet marketing. It took me a while to figure out that there are many, many ways to work this business. Much of it starts with trying different things to figure out which skills you'll naturally gravitate towards. Common Skills Which Get You Started For Pa
April 26, 2010
Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies, I am eager to show you my own campaign, but that work is still in progress.  For now, it's important to talk about the various elements (over time) that a full campaign will include. Internet marketing is more than a recipe of ingredients...although that's a great definition.  When you're new, it's a puzzle.  The key thing is not to give up.  Let's talk about advertising some more because this part is important to your overall success. It's on
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Hello Fellow WA Buddies! Welcome back.  This post addresses what you've got to clean up before you start your Internet marketing business. It starts with personal finances. If you can't manage your own money, how will you manage the profits from your business? I Address 2 Topics in 2 Parts: 1) Cleaning up your own money. 2) Hitting targets to create money that you can reinvest into your business.   We'll Tackle the Tough News First - Part 1 - Cleaning Up Your Own Spending Habits First