Posts by Bkb2012 143
Hi Fellow WA Buddies! Offering 2 updates before I step into Internet marketing, real or imagined? 1) Hello new WA Buddies!  Welcome back fellow WA Buddies. Here's what I do to help WA content sink into my brain.  I repeat, repeat, repeat.  If during one day nothing is working, then I pull back and switch to another marketing activity (researching keywords, drilling down deeper into broad keywords to find long-tailed keywords (specific golden phrases), helping people in forums, st
Welcome Back Fellow WABuddies! Here are a few affirmations which kill irrational fear in Internet marketing dead in it's tracks.  1) You feel fear whenever you don't have enough information, tools, or expertise (yet) because your motherly self is trying to protect you at all irrational costs.  I call this ego and it just gets in the way. Say to yourself -- "I now go beyond the fear and limitations of myself."  "I now go beyond the fear and limitations of others&q
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August 27, 2010
Welcome Back WA Buddies! First -- I send you happy thoughts for a productive, rich day. Two -- Welcome New WA Buddies!  They join our INNER CIRCLE daily day so please stay tuned.  I have a wealth of content organized, tested, and proven but it's coming to you. Getting My Hands On A Decent PDF Tool Here's something that bugged me for a LONG time.  The question was, "Where do I find a decent PDF software product I don't have to buy for a fortune"?
August 25, 2010
Hey There WA Guys & Gals! 1)  Wow -- Things happen FAST when you're motivated. THANKS KYLE & CARSON !  YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING !   2)  Here's the link I promised you to my blogging tutorial. Click Here For Blogging For $$'s Right From Home!   3)  You can also find this tutorial by clicking on the "NEW AND RECOMMENDED TRAINING".   4) I've got something else fun planned for you !  This PUTS YOU OUT IN FRONT AT WA SO PLEASE STAY TUNED! 
Hello WA Buddies! 1) Welcome new buddies.  I am happy to meet you ! There are 3 - 5 incoming daily joining our "INNER CIRCLE".  If you have any Q's, please feel fee to contact me or anyone inside of WA by offering your comment below this post.  * We are here for you, but you must consistently reach out for help and be willing to follow our recommendations.  This is true because successful Internet marketing is an A, B, C process.  Skip a step and you'll have c
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Hey There WA Buddies! Barbara (bkb2012)...the Non-Guru Guru here.  When you're moving online, you have to find people in numbers you can trust.  This post is not about Joint Venture (JV).   The goal of this post -- 1) talks about teamwork supporting your success 2) let you know I'm prepping more newbie IM content by way of pdf files and back end infrastructure designed to reveal more Posts are made to address your Q's now. Before I get to point #1, any Q's you send me in t
August 23, 2010
Hey There WA Buddies! Well just when you think you're rolling along, someone else at WA enters the Internet marketing (IM) "gene pool" and does it better! Even if you're new and you don't know what this content means, still save the content ! You will hit this need when you're making updated, regular changes to your WA blogs and websites. Congrats to this author...   mhamilt   ...he adds pictures and red arrows + valuable resources which are simplified to use.&nbs
Welcome New WA Buddies...! Welcome back seasoned buddies. May this day find you well. This is information being tested with you but to deliver the master's series for complete Internet marketing. I use these affirmations daily: Open your mind Take a deep breath Visualize opening your heart center Use these affirmations each morning Citing Louise L. Hay, Power Thought Cards, 62-card deck Copyright laws prevent me from sharing the entire deck You can find these at they a
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Hello Fellow WA Buddies And Emerging Masters! People ask me, "Barbara (bkb2012).  What does 2012 mean... and if it has meaning, it is relevant? You bet. At unconscious, conscious, and super-conscious levels, each of us inherently knows who we are.   You could say that it's a Universal joke because we're always in process..., always learning, growing, and striving, but really trying to find our true selves.  That part of you is very grand and extremely wise. We are starting
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Welcome Back WA Buddies! I promised this link for Derek to complete my last post titled, "Responsible Publishing". HERE'S THE BEST NEWS FIRST Ever wonder just how to write your article?  Don't worry.   Carson has done it for you, and he outlines just how it has to happen to get listed at Google! To date, Carson's guide is one of the most complete resources on article marketing that I've seen because he covers the essential A, B, C's of  writing. Carson's Getting