Posts by Bkb2012 143
August 20, 2010
Welcome Back WA Buddies! 1 -- Hello to new buddies.   They are joining us daily.  If you weren't here, we wouldn't be here so thank you.  2 -- Keep your work going strong.  It will pay off. 3 --  With permission from folks who visit with me, I sometimes share common Q's from WA members in the form of posts following the responsible publishing commentary.  This way, I'm directly showing you business in progress.  This is CDC "Consumer-Driven Content" d
Welcome Fellow WA Buddies! Today's post talks about emulating only the top level marketers.  I bring this resource to you after investing $30K to know what I know.  This is said with care to tell you that you are extremely important to this industry (Internet marketing). 1) Thanks to Kyle & Carson. They're working like dogs to bring you guys what you need most. They do care about your success  2) Thanks to Matt.  He's the reason for this post. Shared Forum Posts From tim
Welcome Back WA Buddies! Hello to new buddies joining our inner circle. Ok. Getting into nitty gritty of marketing -- this post talks about how your campaigns are either related to one another, or not.  In some cases, they can be extended websites of one another. Then, I give you 2 concrete examples to explain what I mean by creating your own Internet webwork. Even when you first start out in your Internet marketing career -- there are many directions you can take. It doesn't matter which
Welcome Fellow WA Buddies! Hello new buddies!   Greetings seasoned buddies!   5 (Lesser Known) Secrets Why the WA Forums Will Work For You Secret #1) You want to access endless numbers of members.  Think in terms of exposure and referrals.  Referrals on your name appear in the forums the more you help people here. If you're new to WA, it's confusing in the forum because * WA works for you once you work it more".  It's another chicken-or-egg scenario.
Hello WA Buddies, Here is a 2nd post for today.  With permission, I have asked a new WA buddy to help us feel and understand her thoughts from her newbie perspective.  What she posted today is extraordinary because she open up more than most people would. The intent of this post is to show M.M.  and other newbies that she is thinking the right thoughts more than she might anticipate.  By seeing how she's thinking, you can check your own thoughts to see where you might be hol
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Welcome New and Prior WA Buddies! Hi there.  bkb2012 here.  I'd like to wish you a good day today. 3 Points In Today's Post 1) Creating content for heavy hitter outcomes. 2) Writing compelling content people will clammor to read. 3) Get people ready to obtain their 3 FREE WA reports. Here's How You Satisfy the 1st 3 Points On your WA Blog & Funnel system, here are several applicable hints so read on to find out what those hints include!  Here's your mindset to make it all
Welcome New and Prior WA Buddies! Hi there.  bkb2012 here.  I'd like to wish you a good day today. 4 Points For Today's Post Are: 1) Creating content for heavy hitter outcomes on your WA blog 2) Writing compelling content people will clammor to read 3) Get people ready to obtain their 3 FREE WA reports 4) Offering a Strong Call To Action (CTA) Here's How You Satisfy the 1st 3 Points On your WA Blog & Funnel system, here are several applicable hints so read on to find out what
Welcome Fellow WA Buddies! This post is dedicated to Maghdalena. Hopefully she's okay with some of the basic Q's I'll share here. Now -- this is a long post.  Please set aside 15 minutes to scan content because I assure you that there are golden nuggets tucked into this post.  I talk about integrating a successful IM campaign online.  How you do it as well as how you research it makes all the difference to you as a golden marketer. The goal in this post is to show you: 1)  H
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Hey Everyone! Welcome new buddies.  I'd like to dedicate this post to you.  May this day find you well. When you're first new at WA, the key is to digest what you can when you can.  Then.., take it one-step-at-a-time.  Focus on what you did rather than stating what you didn't do.  This is also very important. In all marketing matters, the goal in today's post is to show you what I'm doing directly. Ok. Here goes. To hit major profits, you have to do a few things:   1) Spot an underserve
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July 28, 2010
Welcome Back Fellow WA Buddies! I have been hard at work on a national campaign these past few days.  The work is exhausting, but it is exhilarating. We're in day 2 of launch. We've had major success targeting our campaign and we have 55 opt-in's into the team newsletter. Tomorrow we're still locating targeted people who will absolutely be motivated to hear what we can offer.  Why I'm sharing this news.  Your top priority as an Internet marketer is to define what people need. Fro