Posts by Bkb2012 143
Welcome WA Buddies ! Today's post tells you how to publish at Street Articles using common sense. You've probably heard a million things about article marketing and how to do it best. Truth-be-told -- In the most exclusive article marketing networks, the secret is not released. Article marketing can be an extensive process, especially if it means finding  low competition keyword phrases that get results (traffic and CTR' through rates leading to purchase).  What's that? 
Welcome New Buddies!  Welcome Seasoned Players! Today's post covers a few things impacting your success.  Whether you've been involved in Internet marketing for 10 years or you're just embarking on this exciting career path, the Internet is STILL growing ! In my posts, I write content at comprehensive business levels aimed at helping you develop your CEO side. As part of a larger overview, I cover marketplace watches showing you how external forces may impact our Internet marketing c
Welcome WA Buddies! Here's the current Internet marketing scoop.  For those of us who are problem-solving in various realms (superaffiliate marketing and/or home-based business)...I will attest that we're meeting on the phones.  Some are calling these present times "state of emergency issues"...but don't let any Google changes bug you. What's coming up is that content is still going to be the major determining source for websites. If your content make sense and it adheres to
Welcome Back WA Buddies! Today's post addresses building confidence online when you're in the throws of building your business.  I will reference a prior post..."What's the highest paid position on the planet"?  It can be Internet marketing. Your success has everything to do with marketing yourself successfully while you blend online business with closing business.  It means that as a new marketer, you will spend time learning about your target audience. Then.. you wil
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March 11, 2011
Hello...Hello New WA Buddies! Well Wishes Here's wishing you well this day and every other.  If there's anything any of us can do to be of help, do not hesitate for a moment to reach out.  (NOTE:  Some of my blog content repeats a bit so you're not searching for posted content. It is in this way that your brain will store key information it can later use in your marketing campaigns.) Reaching out regularly will be a huge key to your success.   You've joined an amazin
March 11, 2011
Welcome WA Buddies! This news just arrived in my Facebook profile through one of my best Internet marketing contacts (a most successful person online). It is a direct response marketing blog..., but there are many content areas that may interest you.  The key is to just get the information (don't buy).  Direct Response Blog...List of Key Tools Always use the low cost services to even free ones whenever you can...but invest good $$ in a decent autoresponder so you may build your client
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Welcome New WA Buddies & Seasoned Players ! Today's post offers mindset work shifting you very successful ways...and it addresses how to get paid within a matter of days and weeks. NOTE:  Please try not NOT exclude part or full-time employment as a complete part of your overall business plan. It will take only as much time to transition into your success as your mind believes.  It can happen readily or it can happen over time depending on what you prefer and feel
Welcome New WA & Seasoned Buddies!  Today, let's have fun. What's the Highest Paid Position On The Planet? I have gone to intensive lengths to get this guarded information to you.   You are worth it. To answer the prime question, you must be very persistent. The first solution is provided The second tutorial is working it's way through WA When you blend the two solutions, you will be able to apply the WA Action Plan more concretely Work through all obstacles...and w
Welcome New and Seasoned WA Buddies! If you follow these posts, the goal will always be to give you comprehensive business insights, Internet marketing tips, tricks designed to move you forward. Please stay tuned for more! YOU ARE VERY POWERFUL Today's post focuses on uplifting, encouraging, and helping you fill in a few extra blanks.  When we are new to Internet marketing, affiliate marketing may not appear real until we're already seeing steady profits. So how do you build your confide
Welcome Back WA Buddies..., Guys and Gals! Reading this post could potentially save you hundreds and multiple thousands of lost $$'s!  During the course of my research, I share findings consistent with what I know all business owners must address. Today, I share 2 major resources.  One of the biggest mistakes marketers make online is that they try to use free web hosting or cheap web hosting.   Please know that there are pitfalls to doing both. Successful e-business owners
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