Posts by Garethb 9
August 09, 2012
So I was doing some key word research today after watching the video about domain flipping. I came accross some great Key Words, lots of searches, great QSR, and a green light. Checked the domain sure enough it was available. WHAT? I couldn't believe my luck. Of course the domain name had the name of a famous company in it. Found several domains all with the famous name in it so I went to GoDaddy to purchase the domains. Thanks to GoDaddy and their method of trying to get me buy everything u
August 06, 2012
I'm now jumping in the deep end. I've learned how to tread water here and even a few strokes.So what have I decided. Finding Niches. Seems to be a hard concept to grasp and understand. It finally hit me what I can do.I made a group of 4 categories that interest me most.They are: Music, Electronics (iPads, iPhones etc.), Human Interest (Health and motivation) and Misc (Sports, holiday's, travel and Kiwanis).I know the best way I learn is to do and do and do. Don't worry about maki
July 28, 2012
Good morning. I've been here for a few months and want to provide you with my thoughts so far about this business.I'm new to IM. I am very experienced with computers and the internet and use both extensivley in my other business. So some things here are very easy, other things are extremely foreign.So what am I doing I've decided I would model my business mostly after Jay's methods. Why? Because he does the WABinars. I learn faster by watching and listening rather than reading. I
July 13, 2012
I was reading the chat this morning and a question came up about deciding on a Niche.The person said "I'm worried there are so many websites" "everyone else is doing it" On and On.I'm not being rude when I say these are lame excuses. Why are the lame? For starters read the book called the "Long Tail". The basic point of the book is we can't all be the head of the dragon, yet we can all profit from the dragon. We just need to stop wanting to be the head of the dragon.That's why I
June 19, 2012
I read several blogs this morning about WA members being dissed for their work. So I'll re-tell the story that helped change my life. Put a bunch of live crabs in a bucket. Of course you are getting ready to cook them. One crab says wait a minute I'm out of here and starts climbing out of the bucket - which they can easily do. Yet all of the other crabs grab him and pull him back preventing his escape. Remember this when you are criticized for crawling out of your current hole. Have a n
June 19, 2012
I finally wrote my 1st 400+ word article and published it on 2 hours I was on page 6 with one keyword and 1st on page 2 with another keyword.Not bad considering I had no pictures and haven't put in any links.It was tough but I did it. YAY!!!Thanks Kyle for the great info.
June 06, 2012
So Kyle did a great class on getting ranked quickly. What I got most out of the class is how to write articles. Now I realize that there really isn't writers block for what I need to do. I'm not writing a book and I will never be perfect even if I am. As Kyle said perfection is in the eye of the beholder. That's why I think this woman is perfect and you can't find anything right about her. I guess that's why we have to be patient with our kids as they go through there romanti
June 03, 2012
I need to focus on this job. Way too many distractions going on around me. I have a quiet place - BUT - there is no internet. Hard to develop an internet marketing business without the internet. Maybe I should write articles in my quiet place and then when I have internet publish them. The hard part is no searching for facts.
June 03, 2012
The most difficult part of this new career is writing. My education is in music which requires listening and reading. 400 words seems like a lot. I think I will record my thoughts and then playback while transcribing on paper. I also have ADD (ADHD?) which means I can't type fast enough for my thoughts. I spend a long time writing and when I read it back it takes seconds to read. Why is that?
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