Skip's Way

Last Update: July 28, 2012
Good morning. I've been here for a few months and want to provide you with my thoughts so far about this business.

I'm new to IM. I am very experienced with computers and the internet and use both extensivley in my other business. So some things here are very easy, other things are extremely foreign.

So what am I doing I've decided I would model my business mostly after Jay's methods. Why? Because he does the WABinars. I learn faster by watching and listening rather than reading. I work the niches from the start exactly how Jay shows us in the WABinars. Step by methodical step. I watch and watch these WABinars everyday. I write lots of notes and setup task sheets. It's amazing that each time I watch a WABinar I learn something new. There is a ton to learn and at times it feel very overwhelming.

If you are new to IM then you need to be very patient and take your time.

So the question that comes up is - So you will end up being Jay and not Skip.

My answer is no. I'll actually end up being "better" than Jay. Once I learn the foundation principles, implement them Jay's way and start observing what goes on I'll eventually go out on my own and become Skip IM, not a mirror of Jay.

My conclusion is if you're new to this business, want to start an ethical and profitable IM business than find someone here who is very successful and follow everything they do. Find ONE person only until you have the basic down blindfolded. One baby step at a time. Be extremely patient and I guarantee you will be extremly successful.

Thanks for reading.
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splashduck Premium
Thanks, good reminders to be patient and take baby steps and focus. I joined in on a WABinar yesterday and It was really helpful to see how a top successful marketer actually works, really interesting.
fishing Premium
makes good sense....i am still watching ones I have seen and still pick up little things I misssed....they sure do help.....
BIS Premium
Glad you're enjoying it. Sound advice to be patient, take baby steps to become extremely successful.

Best of luck
Deezdz Premium
I also enjoy Jay's WAbinars... and I learn so much. I've watched them more than once also and am always picking up new titbits. (or should that be spelled tidbits???
mama2karsten Premium
I agree with your assessment of Jay. He is a great teacher and keeps it fun and interesting... He's also very funny on the WAbinars.