The Chat Room Saved ME

Last Update: August 09, 2012
So I was doing some key word research today after watching the video about domain flipping. I came accross some great Key Words, lots of searches, great QSR, and a green light. Checked the domain sure enough it was available. WHAT? I couldn't believe my luck. Of course the domain name had the name of a famous company in it. Found several domains all with the famous name in it so I went to GoDaddy to purchase the domains. Thanks to GoDaddy and their method of trying to get me buy everything under the sun it took some time to get to the final purchase page. I started to think - I wonder if this famous company will not like ny domain. Hmmmm - off to the chat room and less than five minutes I made the right decision and cancelled the order. I had 5 domains I was going after. This saved me almost $40 - the fee to WA. So this month my membership was free!!

Conclusion - Let the power of the chat room work in your favor and never buy a domain with a famous name.
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Shawn Martin Premium
That is how WA works!!!
Deezdz Premium
I nearly made the same saved my behind too!
bigstevec Premium
great info - learn something new every day!
mission0ps Premium
When the Blackberry Playbook lunched I had 3 "Launch Jacking" sites up.. and was 2 of them I cant remember the other one.

Come lunch day All sites were on page 1 out ranking the official BB launch site. I promptly received a cease and dismiss emails from Blackberry... After a few weeks I had NO CHOICE but to pull the site down.

Made some nice commissions in the opening weeks though;)
Apina Premium
Indeed, buying a domain with someone else's brand in it will normally end in disaster, with your site more than likely being given a DMCA take down notice and pulled offline.