Crabs in a Bucket

Last Update: June 19, 2012

I read several blogs this morning about WA members being dissed for their work. So I'll re-tell the story that helped change my life. Put a bunch of live crabs in a bucket. Of course you are getting ready to cook them. One crab says wait a minute I'm out of here and starts climbing out of the bucket - which they can easily do. Yet all of the other crabs grab him and pull him back preventing his escape. Remember this when you are criticized for crawling out of your current hole. Have a nice day.

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onlinewealth Premium
The higher you go, the more rampant the scrutiny becomes. People are uncomfortable by the success of others.. (Loosely quoting Dennis Waitley)
adamleo Premium
Can definetly relate. Often feel like that crab trying to escape the bucket.Thanks for posting and also for the follow.
Shawn Martin Premium
Very good indeed.
onefineham Premium
That is far and away my most favorite expression. The lesson is NEVER - EVER LISTEN TO A CRAB IN THE BUCKET! LIVE YOUR OWN LIFE!

Thanks for sharing.
onefineham Premium
I would add - any Maine fisherman will tellya, "Put one crab in a bucket and he'll get out every time... put two in and they'll be in there forever!" (loosely translated to avoid confusing downeaster accent).