Next Step - writing

Last Update: June 06, 2012
So Kyle did a great class on getting ranked quickly. What I got most out of the class is how to write articles. Now I realize that there really isn't writers block for what I need to do. I'm not writing a book and I will never be perfect even if I am. As Kyle said perfection is in the eye of the beholder. That's why I think this woman is perfect and you can't find anything right about her. I guess that's why we have to be patient with our kids as they go through there romantic lives and make - what we believe - is a really stupid decision. My conclusion - write the damn article!!! If you don't like it then OK. If you do like it OK. Who cares! There are so many people out there that all I want to attract are the people that like it. Have a very productive day.

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fishing Premium
If one does not like it another will rave over cannot please everyone no sense of even trying....take pen in hand (sorta speak) and put that ink to does get easier...taking action is the only way....Chineese Proverb... a 1000 mile trip starts with the first step....then one foot infront of another unitil you are can do it...we all start from somehwere....
just signed up.
jchilders Premium
Yep, you gotta take action! I don't really like writing and I'm not particularly good at it, but as Veronica said..once you write a couple articles they get easier. But you HAVE to start. :)

The best advice I've heard is to write like you are talking to your friends.
veronica.l Premium
Yes Skip just write the article!! :)The first ones are a little tricky but after you write one, two, three... you become better and better and believe me after a while you just write. English is not my first language so writing was really difficult for me, now I don`t care if it is grammatically correct as long as I can get the point across :)

So Skip Just write the article!! :)