My Updated Action Plan

Last Update: August 06, 2012
I'm now jumping in the deep end. I've learned how to tread water here and even a few strokes.

So what have I decided. Finding Niches. Seems to be a hard concept to grasp and understand. It finally hit me what I can do.

I made a group of 4 categories that interest me most.

They are: Music, Electronics (iPads, iPhones etc.), Human Interest (Health and motivation) and Misc (Sports, holiday's, travel and Kiwanis).

I know the best way I learn is to do and do and do. Don't worry about making mistakes just be sure to learn from them.

I'm in the process of developing websites in all 4 niches. I'm writing articles and setting up websites. My goal is a web site each week in each niche. This has turned into a gruelling process. However, each day things get easier and I learn more and more about what to do.

This has become a full time job and I love every minute. When driving around time I notice something and I realize I need to make a web site for that. What fun!!!

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econcepts Premium
Love the passion, Skip. Keep a hold of that and you will make it! It's funny when you really get going in IM - everywhere there are new things to write about. I started keeping a small notebook with me just to jot it all down.
Hudson Premium
Hi Skip, great blog, can feel the enthusiasm. WA and all it's members, training etc. get's us going like that doesn't it? Good luck going forward,
Have a great day,