Whoever suggested working in the public library, I love you!
I have had a hideous time keeping free of distractions. Of course some of it is unavoidable. Lost an uncle over the holidays, and my best friend lost his dad. My brother in law has been in the hospital since before Christmas. And there's more. Been rough.
Starting tomorrow, I'm going to the library to write. No cell phone. No forwarding address. Just like a real job.
OK, I see it now. Affiliates solve a "hair on fire" problem. Some fires are easier to put out than others. I'm switching from tangible objects to information as a test. I love selling things. Things are seductive. But seduction isn't a call to action. You can be seduced walking through a department store, but how much do you actually end up buying? Lately, I buy only what I need. Ugh! Of course, that may change. Please God, let that change!
Gotta solve a real problem for the folk
Since I have been a designer my entire life, I have decided to approach article writing the same way I approach designing a collection, or a painting. I figure out what is the most important element. The over all color and maybe three shapes in all. Everything else is a minor element. It's akin to an outline for an article, sort've a formula in a way. Since I am a visual person, I think with my eyes first. See what it looks like as a whole, then dig into content within each shape. If it kn
Dear Fellow WA'ers,
Taking this opportunity to wish all of you a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year.
For all of you who are already prosperous marketers, I wish you continued success. For those of us who are in the process of breaking through, I send sincere wishes that 2010 is the year of a tangible breakthrough!
Cheers, Joan
Quite happy that my first article for EZA was published. All I had to do was take out the affiliate link that I tried to slip in at the bottom. Now, I'm beginning to feel sort've OK about writing the articles. Whenever there are rules to follow, I get inhibited. I understand "why", but I still don't like rules.
It's moving along nicely now. Just have to keep it rolling.
Learning marketing the right way is a fascinating experience. My
emotions have ranged from exhilarated to terrified and lonely to
hopeful and back to exhilarated. Wow! Much easier being part of this
community than working totally alone. Nice to have company and somebody to ask. Gratitude.
Just want to share a little something that I've encountered while on this "article writing" journey. I have suffered from the need to be perfect. It can be a disgusting handicap and a total bore. I keep thinking my articles are not right, so I have them stacked up ready for take off. Finally today I am publishing the first of them. Wish me good speed.
Starting is always the hardest part of any venture. It's the old "white paper " syndrome. The blank page is intimidating. Even when you have some idea of where you want to go with a project, once you really get going, it seems to take on a life of its own. I joined WA a month ago, and am still putting it together. I love this website and feel privileged to be with generous and creative people. I'll be back asking a million questions. Whenever I too can help, will do.