Posts by Labman_1 199
December 14, 2010
I signed up with a knowledgeable web professional a few months back so that I could get a handle on HTML. Her free course was exceptional and I recommend it to anyone interested in learning HTML. I also have a subscription to her e-mail letters and the latest one posted this link to her directory of articles on everything web related.  There are some real pearls in this list. Jennifer Kyrnin html articles  Hope this helps someone to understand something that is frustrating you. It did
December 13, 2010
Gracie is my youngest pup. ( Far left) She tested for her CGC and TDI certifications yesterday. The Canine Good Citizen (CGC) is an AKC certification that says she has good manners.  She was able to pass this.  The TDI (Therapy Dog International) certification is mostly all the same stuff but is much more stringent. Gracie crashed and burned on this one.  She just would not keep her feet on the ground when the evaluator came up to greet her.  If a nursing home resident tried
December 10, 2010
I'm betting that most of you have run into one or another of the products that were promoted by the late Billy Mays.  I don't know if you liked his pitch or were annoyed by the delivery but you probably recognize the genius in the marketing technique that he employed. He had a 5 step process perfected by carnival hucksters and honed to a fine edge in the delivery where he sucked you in, in 120 seconds or less. 1. Picking the right product - Demonstrable ( The WOW factor), Mass Appeal, solve
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December 09, 2010
I've been reading a lot about a certain metaphor that is floating around that is supposed to be motivational. This is the story of the Elephant and its tiny tether rope.  When little the elephant is chained and tries to break the chain.  It is of course too large and it cannot free itself.  When older the chain is replaced by a small rope.  Thinking the chain is still attached it doesn't try to escape anymore.  The behavior exhibited is called extinction and is used in t
December 08, 2010
One of the K9 handlers from Eagle Valley Search Dogs in Central NY did a radio interview.  He has quite a bit of experience but takes more credit than he is due frequently. The searches are a team effort. We always are requested never show up without clearance from the authorities. Amir can be a bit tedious, his accent is fading into English but still significant. Its a bit long about and Hour.but if you would like an introduction to Search and Rescue and what I'm up to when not on IM here
December 08, 2010
Internet Marketing is a business.  But are you treating it as a business or are you just playing at IM? I don't see this issue addressed here much so I thought I might provide a bit of insight.  Please keep in mind that I am not a Lawyer, accountant, IRS agent or Financial Planner.  I'm just someone that is trying to make a living online. It is my understanding that (in New York) you need a DBA to do business here.  The threshold is $600.  If you make more than this you
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December 07, 2010
OK, so just a little humor here.   Watch your Tweets
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December 05, 2010
Popped over to E-zine to see what's up. Of course on Friday I did some rudimentary backlinking. Well, all my pending articles got approved in 2 days. Checked the stats and my viewings went from piddley to Freekin awsome.  Over 200 hits in one day! Guess this stuff does work.
December 03, 2010
Grrr.  Got bumped by the login again. So, I guess I gotta start all over again.  Gonna have to have a talk with K&C about the way they handle login timeouts.  I'm sure there is another way to do this that is more user friendly.  Anyhow, Ezine has told me that I'm out of submissions.  I guess this is a good thing.  Didn't expect to see that message when I submitted #10.  I thought I could continue to place things in the que.  It will be interesting to s
December 03, 2010
Started my Christmas Shopping today. Yup, went downstairs into the shop and identified some scraps that can be turned into masterpieces. So far I found a couple of pieces of Olivewood that I cut from a Russian Olive tree in the backyard.  Seems Russian Olive has some nasty thorns on it and one of them got me in the head when I was mowing under it.  So, down it came.  Now, 20 years later, I think its dry.  Gonna try my hand at turning some bowls with that.  Should make fo