Posts by Labman_1 199
September 24, 2010
I spent the day with Articles.  When I got full of writing, I went out with the Search Dog and hid Articles for her to find. Finally submitted my first Article to Ezine and hope to be accepted.  I followed all the rules so I don't expect to see a problem. Elphie is finding hidden items without problem but we are still working on her indication.  I am finding that withholding her ball until she goes down is working. ( Downing next to the Article is her indication)  She still
September 14, 2010
Just thought I would update you on the Butterfly Project. Went out yesterday to collect some Milkweed for my current crop of Caterpillars.  While I was there, I saw another Caterpillar..then another...then another. All together I collected another 8 Caterpillars and found a Chrysalis as well. So, how's my IM going?  Well, I've been struggling with my first article.  I have a product to promote that seems to solve a problem, don't want to spend the money at this point to purchase t
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September 09, 2010
Well, its finally that day.  The Chrysalis' that I have been nurturing for 10 days are breaking out.  So now, I have Monarch Butterflies.  I tagged them and have set them out on my bush to dry their wings and begin their Journey South.   So far 6 of the 18 Chrysalis' have hatched.  I expect more tomorrow. Then a few days more the rest will probably be ready.  I still have 5 Caterpillars eating away so this project will last for at least a couple of more weeks.  
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September 06, 2010
I started a Blog, The Daily Bark. Not many entries yet but if you are into dog training I expect you will enjoy it in the future. I am sure I'm doing everything wrong here so far.  Grabbed a web address before I read far enough.  Apparently I should have tailored my name more appropriately.  I figured I would get a handle on Wordpress first then tailor a campaign to optimize the keywords.  I'm still trying to figure out how to write an article with some s
September 06, 2010
I just posted my first Squidoo page. Thought some of you might like to stop by and check it out. As always, constructive  critiques are appreciated. Thanks
September 01, 2010
I came across this video.  Dan Cobley discusses the similarities between physics and marketing.  Basically his point is protect your brand.  Here is the link if you want to watch.  I found it enjoyable.  
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August 27, 2010
Spent the morning yesterday in the woods with my Search and Rescue dog, Elphie. We spent about 45 minutes working up and down a hillside looking for someone that had hidden in the woods.  I covered about 20 acres back and forth and back and forth.  She was actually working pretty well, ranging out about 50 yards and then back to me to check in.  After about 1/2 an hour, the radio crackled and the subject was wondering why I hadn't found her yet.  Seems I was looking in the wr
It's that time of year again.  What time is it?  Well, the kids are going back to school, the weather is starting to feel like fall is in the air.  Mist hangs low over the roads in the morning.  And....the Monarch caterpillars have hatched. This has nothing to do with WA and everything to do with WA.  When they hatch, they are little eating machines.  Munch, munch, munch,  fill your belly ( or brain) with all the nutrition (information) that is available and gr
August 18, 2010
I've been at this now for two and a half weeks.  I've cleared a few hurdles and am working on the clickbank stuff.  I am distressed at the stuff I'm seeing out there that appear to be the top sellers.  Now, I have a background in dog training so I have been perusing these affiliates and what I'm finding disgusts me.  I scan down through 5 pages of fluff, hype and testimonials only to find a 39.95 pricetag.  I have read all the hype and still have no idea what they are se