Posts by Labman_1 199
November 10, 2010
Every day I plug away at this.  I don't feel like I'm making much progress on a day to day basis but have a list of things to do and tic them off one by one. Sometimes I wish there were more hours in the day or that I didn't really need to sleep. I keep focused on the tasks and keep a consistent effort. At the end of the day there is still no progress on the paypal account. So even though I'm working and working HARD the rewards are ethereal at  this point. It is hard to keep a positiv
November 08, 2010
I've been looking into a series of articles on trying to direct the reader's attention while on a website.  I thought that perhaps I could incorporate some slightly sneaky subterfuge on the part of the designer to assist my pages to convert better and more reliably. Well, I don't know if this works but I came across a couple of pages that were done by some eye-tracking (experts?) people.  Thought I'd share.
November 07, 2010
Everyone is talking about a day of rest.  My day of rest started late, well we did after all gain an hour last night. I think Daylight savings time is a crock of s....... Drove down to Letchworth SP to train my SAR dog with the team.  Since Elphie has been getting a bit out of control recently we did a drill to keep her from jumping (mauling) the subjects.  It is so refreshing to run a drill with people that understand dogs as opposed to the haphazard subjects that I have been us
November 04, 2010
Inspiring Job If the people who make motivational posters are so motivated, why are they still working in a poster factory? -- Jody Rohlena My house has a ghost writer.  I came home and found my autobiography Ezine Article completed.  
There is a nasty group of Lawyers out on the web that are causing a bit of an uproar.  The group is called Righthaven and the issue is copyright trolling. What they are doing is finding well distributed news articles and/or Blog posts that are widely read.  Then they aquire the copyright for this item and litigate the distributors of the content. They don't just attack the content but try to get courts to seize the domain of the so called offender.   To read more  https:
1 comment
October 26, 2010
I was reading one of the tutorials available in the system site map today. "Million Dollar Niches" is the name of the tutorial/e-book.  I grabbed a piece of it to illustrate what you may find to do with Stated differently, demographics define the qualities of those people who may *need* your product, while psychographics are the qualities of those who may not only need but also *want* your product. Before you target your market, profile your customer -- your perfect cu
October 26, 2010
Thought some of you might be interested.  I added another website pointer.  I've been writing for myself since I started this.  Haven't really spent as much time on it as I should but there are a few posts here now.  If you are training a puppy the content will be helpful. Enjoy
October 26, 2010
I have read, over and over again, that it should take 20-30 minutes to produce and article.  I have looked at many of the articles being produced on e-zine and find that most of them look like they have been written in 20 minutes.  They are full of fluff and very little substance. So I sit down to write a well thought out organized article that makes a point and attempts to create within the reader the feeling that I know what I'm talking about, to provide substance and a learning expe
October 23, 2010
I listened and listened to the mentors and found myself cruising the magazine racks looking for some niche ideas.  Well actually I was waiting for a 'script to be filled but anyway.... Picked up a copy of Wired Magazine.  I know geek at heart. They had an article on the founder of flicker who has since moved on to other things. This other thing is called Seems to be, well actually it is, a site dedicated to mining the web for information and trends.  Hmmm, any chance som
October 21, 2010
Well, it took a few days to get everything operational but I'm live with my Blog and Funnel. IMPORTANT:  If you decide to set up the Blog and Funnel system, make sure you have set up the Aweber list FIRST. At the very least make sure the list name that you choose for the Blog and Funnel is the same one that you enter into the Aweber account.  If you choose a name in the Blog and Funnel system and then enter a different name into the Aweber system the forms on the page will not work. Ma