Posts by Labman_1 199
April 15, 2012
Ran across this on the Entrepreneur site.  Seems like useful information
April 15, 2012
A while back I read a book called the Art of Racing in the Rain.  This was a book about a race car driver told from the perspective of his dog.  The protagonist was a bit of a damaged soul but the perspective of the narrative was somewhat humorous. Today was not so much about humor but it was raining a bit and we were training not racing.  I'm learning every day that yes, the dog does know what she's doing.  The adage we hear frequently is to "Trust the Dog&q
Well, yesterday I bit the bullet and downloaded Camtasia.  What's that, Camtasia is a screen capture and video integration platform.  I put together a Pinterest introduction and posted it to training.  If you want a quick intro to Pinterest give it a look.  If you need more than the video provides, I would check out the recent training that BIS put together.  She is amazing and has expanded on most of the points that I make in the video. This Camtasia program i
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I'm trying to figure out where my brain went.  I know I had it, it's gotta be around here somewhere. Tried to use my-Linker.  I couldn't seem to get it to work, well I read the help and in the place where it says to enter a name for your link, the help menu shows a full url.  So I typed it in. After jumping over to the chat and having Welshy and others help me out.  I finally had the lightbulb moment ( what are we ever going to do when lightbulbs go away) it
I for one miss that the WA Gold has disappeared.  I appreciated that it was a way to say thanks to those members that provided help. It also was a nice way to know that people were getting value for your efforts. How do you feel about the WA Gold System?    
April 06, 2012
Well, I'm notoriously bad at this Goal thing.  But here's my first Pass.   Do everything....By Yesterday....Oh wait that's my employers goal set for me. Therein lies the rub.  I really don't want to be working for someone else.  So here are my own goals Reach Ambassador Status so that I can meet all of you in Vegas.  Work out a reasonable schedule to enhance my current sites in a timely manner. Research the ideas that I have for 6
April 06, 2012
With all the new changes we have been asked to interface with the training modules to get this place up to snuff.  I took on the challenge last night and created a quick introduction to Pinterest. I hope this is helpful to some of you. Here's the link to the training module: Once I started it, it was a bit exciting and there appears to be good feedback.   Thanks folks. Enjoy!  
1 comment
March 29, 2012
I would like to thank all of the folks out there that provided support in my week long suffering. It was only supposed to be a cut and paste.  Honest it was.  Well after a crash course in Schema from Webmaster tools,, and several of the members here at WA. (Welshy, Incognito and DataPlexTech) not to mention Jay.  I finally was able to get the Stars code into my site and verified in the Webmaster tools Rich Snippet Tool. Now I can get busy on the stuff I was going to do
March 27, 2012
Think Google has enough tools?  Don't bet on it.   Google Comment 
March 24, 2012
Well, messing around with my cpanel at the hosting company, I made a boo-boo. Didn't even know what I had done until I logged in here and got a heads up from Apina. Thanks for the heads up, and thanks Be Healthy for noticing. and of course since two other sites were buried in the sub directories, these were unreachable as well. After several hours of determined effort and removing all the passwords and setups that I did last night, I finally found the right one.  Guess I need to be rested