My First Site!

Last Update: March 26, 2010

Well it is merely a shell but today I created my first site via wordpress. I do not have content up yet but I will soon. I am just excited that the site is visible, now for me to add the posts and pages and recipes and products.

This is my own site and it will be a beauty. I will keep you posted as more content is put on it. Thanks WA for getting me started!

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JaredB Premium
Looks like a good start, man!
surecash Premium
That's great and impressive. I will PM you on suggestion to get your site going
taku123 Premium
Thanks Pete, good to see you were checking me out. I am taking your advice, but it will be awile to get in gear.
Slugger_mn Premium

That is awesome(: Congrats man! Looks like you are making head way!

All you have to do is add everything and doll it up and away you go!

Great job!

Wootton Premium
Congrats on the site it looks GREAT. i subscribed to your feed so ill keep in touch!