Posts by Taku123 18
June 21, 2010
This is completely AWESOME!!! Last week was my first week actually making money, I am totally excited!!!!! I mean finally all the work and tutorials and watching videos has paid off.  I have made $103 since the 12th of June and this is just the beginning. I cannot believe my little PPC campaign and direct linking has worked so well. I have been so busy and all I can say is this is the best! I have been working at this since February of this year and I knew it would happen. Thanks to everyon
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Well my wife and I booked our vacation to Vancouver BC in August! I am really looking forward to some nice time away from work and relaxing a bit. This will be our first vacation together as a family since my son was born in March. I thought it would be kind a neat to travel to Vancouver and visit the homebase of our mentors Kyle and Carson. Even though I know I will not be meeting them in person I think it will give me a little sense of accomplishment knowing I can make it to the place they hai
April 12, 2010
Easter has come and gone and into spring in Alaska. I look forward to having more time to spend working on my webpages and starting to make some sales. It has been a long road for me this past 2 months mainly with the birth of our son and then of course we have had family over on a continuous basis. I think I may get  a breather for the next few months. I put in my 2 week notice at my sencond job and this week will me my last at Target. I am wanting to put the hours I work over there into m
March 26, 2010
Well it is merely a shell but today I created my first site via wordpress. I do not have content up yet but I will soon. I am just excited that the site is visible, now for me to add the posts and pages and recipes and products. This is my own site and it will be a beauty. I will keep you posted as more content is put on it. Thanks WA for getting me started!
March 21, 2010
Ok, so I have roughly $300-$500 a month to spend on my business, I do not have a product but have already made a few lenses and submitted some articles to the directories promoting other peoples products. I was just wondering if there is maybe a thought or two on what I could use that money towards to better put myself out there and make some money. I am up for any suggestion to get me on the right track. Thanks!
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March 15, 2010
Well today I hired an article writer to help me get my product posted. I am looking forward to posting those articles and getting my website up and running. I have m domain names from Go Daddy, and a few squidoo urls to match. I really feel it is a matter of time before I am bringing in the sales. I have to say that I am very excited with the site. What a tremendous help and wonderful group of people! Thanks  Lee
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March 09, 2010
Today my baby boy was born! 9lbs, 22inches long at 8:37 AM. Wow what a day, i will post some pictures later when I get home. I am so excited, I will be taking a break for a few days. Thanks WA!
Ok, so I have193 views and a 10.4% url click rate on my 2 articles on EzineArticles but no purchase yet. Is there a set rule at almost 200 views and nobody purchasing, I mean why would that be, I have another article in waiting? Do I need more? I only have time to write about one every 3 -4 days. I will post more articles but just wondered if this is normal.