Constructive Feedback on this landing page layout

Last Update: June 16, 2011

For those who are reading this post, I've been recrafting my landing page according to the landing page optimization guideline for PPC traffic generation. 


I would like some constructive feedback from members of this WA space for further improvement and what I can do before I launch my PPC campaign.

 My Focus: 

My niche is forex trading and this is one of my concept page featuring a review of recommended trading signal products. This is a rough draft and is not complete yet.  My page structure include:  a catchy headline (which will contain my specific keyword later, this is a rough outline), content which reviews zulutrade is the #1 products,  a review table of the top 3 products,  at the bottom I will have a personal review section again on zulutrade (why I choose this product and how it benefits its user),  I have included call-to-action links,  numerous text link to track which keywords are highly sort after...etc. )   


Thanks for your comment ! 

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winch330 Premium
Thanks for your comment! Actually when I started doing my adgroup on google adword yesterday, I got an alert mail from google saying it's a "bridge page" so yes I do have to fix it up abit. I think I put way too many text link that's why google didn't like it..
Labman_1 Premium
Good impact. I notice that all of the links go to the same page. I would mix them up a bit, allow the customer to go to the other pages besides Zulutrade. One proofreading issue at the bottom. financial regulation should be plural financial regulations and ensures should be singular. Ensure. I'm no expert but these are my impressions.