Day33-35: Internet Marketing Progress (Self Evaluation)

Last Update: June 26, 2011

Day33: June 25, 2011 (Sat): 

 Read a "conversation with Nick"  by PPG.  Keyword research guide

 Day 34: June 26,2011 (Sun): 

Day off, more reading... check stats.   1st page ranking for ezine article on "attraction niche" at 8k search quoted... stats: 115 views in one day with 12 CTR... 

1st squidoo lense index by google: 

stats: 51K non quoted "1st place ranking on SERP" 

1K quoted also 1st place ranking 

Plans for next week:  develop 4 more lenses and interlink them with this lenses and scalp for micro-niche

 Day 35: June 27,2011 (Mon) 

Morning Session: Finish 2nd lens

Afternoon Session: Finish 3-4th lens 

Plans ahead:  Rss feed update once lens get index within 24 hrs, article submission, blogging. 


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