Google Adwords Violation Policy (who got the same msg recently?) what's going on?

Last Update: June 17, 2011

To everyone on WA space,


I am not sure if other ppl are getting this, I've been working on my landing pages and felt ready to start up an adgroup on google and then before I even launch anything, I got a msg from google saying my landing page is considered "a bridge page"... 


Does any of you received the same msg? I just double checked with the WA forum and seems like ppl are having trouble promoting clickbank products with PPC?   I didn't get suspension as some other ppl did, and I was still given a chance to re-review my site..   Any suggestion on what we should do at this stage? 

My landing pageis on the right column under my website. I personally think I got the msg because I put way too many textlink linking to the same site? 


What do you guys think? 

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