Day25-27: Internet Marketing Progress (Self Evaluation)

Last Update: June 19, 2011

Day 25: June 17,2011 (Fri)

 landing page finish, adwords, google problem


Day 26: June 18,2011 (Sat)

 Re-read article marketing, question about adwords, planning/organization

 Day 27: June 19,2011 (Sun) 

 Going through street article, try to determine how to get over 20% CTR on article marketing, wrote 3 articles to streetarticle and submit with natural links.  Hypertargeting one landing page for now as testers. 


Plan for next week:  Hyper target one landing page with at least 20 articles

Write some forex news article and link it to this one landing page. 

 More research with yahoo answers for my 2nd refined landing page

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