Day 19: Personal Achievement so far (Chinese,English,Japanese Version) of language

Last Update: May 16, 2014

Day 19: June11,2011 (Sat)

The email from day 19 said we should list what we accomplished so far so I thought I should spent the time here to do more self-reflection on what I did in the last 19 days and what I should continue to work on in the near future.

Theories: general principles of internet marketing, website building, basic html coding, article marketing, little bit of PPC, keyword research, researching on target audience and finding relevance.


  1. build my own website
  2. build 3 concept pages within my website
  3. wrote 14 articles with 10 active so far
  4. join forum/yahoo answers!
  5. join various independent affiliate network and clickbank
  6. comment on other's blog and ppl's article
  7. participate actively within WA
  1. went from Basic--)Basic PLUS--) Platinum Status within Ezine Author
  2. got promoted to expert status in the "day trading" category in ezine
  3. One of my articles got featured and used by an Ezinepublisher
  4. my average click thru rate of 6 active articles is over 10% with a high of 16.7%
  5. my site only got active on day 10. From day 10-day 19, I have built an average of 50 unique visitors to my site now on google analytics with 60%direct traffic and 40% referral traffic
  6. I built my yahoo answer! account starting from day 16 at level 1 (100 points) -----) level 2 (361 points) 18% of my answers are chosen as "best answer" under various categories
  7. I started yahoo answer marketing once I hit level 2 two days ago and I got 3 referrals so far who would want to join "WA"
Personal Plan in the next 10 days and onward:
  1. finish up the 30 day success club
  2. finish going thru the accredition course on article marketing and PPC
  3. continue writing articles, target goal wrote at least my 30th articles by the next 10 days targeting my 2nd concept page
  4. continue building my yahoo answer account from level 2 to level 3
  5. More networking within WA
  6. Remind myself this quote: "Focus on the process and the money will come." The same mantra I use in my FX trading and online poker endeavors. Money comes to those who are patient and persistent.
Personal Comments to WA community:

The last 19 days have been an amazing experience for me at WA:) I learned a lot here at WA and made a lot of new friends along the way. Looking back, I can't imagine I have accomplished all that in 19th days without the help of WA. Getting involve in internet marketing is such a great thing because it teaches you how to optimize your time management skills and be patience and discipline even when you failed. I couldn't get my blog to work due to some server errors till day 10 but it didn't stop me to continue learning about internet marketing. The last 9 days, I've gone from no website to some sort of framework with my website and apply what I learned in the 30 day success club to the letter.

At day 19, I think I am at around day 16 of the original success 30 day club schedule. I hope everyone is working hard too to build their online success!

In Japanese,

??WA????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

In Chinese,

???????????19??WA??????????????Internet Marketing. ??????????,????????????:)


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winch330 Premium
wait for come my chinese/Japanese message is not readable when I post the comment? I was trying to make a personal comment using my native language but didn't work out..? yea Chinese can be quite challenging if you don't have the background because even people with Chinese background, you have to practice your characters everyday or else you will forget it. If you are looking for an IQ challenge is definitely worth looking into. Chinese character helps enhance memory and visualization skills.
You mean you translated all that into Chinese in 8 letters. I thought Chinese was a tricky language to learn:-) Seriously you're on fire and soon you'll be giving Mr Ewen Chia a run for his money!