Day 17-18 Internet Marketing Progress (Self Evaluation)

Last Update: June 09, 2011

Day 17: June 9,2011 (Thurs)

 Afternoon Session: Waiting for articles to get active, in the meantime read up on WA super affiliate program, PPC, and how to improve further on article marketing. Continue building up my yahoo answer account to 200 points now!!  50 more and I can start posting link at level 2:)    

Evening Session: Build up yahoo answer to 240 points!! 10 more and I am at level 2. Organization and planning for another article session tomorrow. On google analytics so far I generated 30-40 unique visitors per day. Looking to increase that number to a 100. 

Day 18: June 10,2011 (Fri)

 Morning Session: 2nd article session for concept page begins.Wrote my 10th articles. Just got an email from ezine. Got promoted to expert status and got one of my article as featured articles!! Have about 6-7 articles active on one specific concept page now. Learn how to optimize resource box by linking with anchor text instead of site.  Learn more html, learn more how to write effective title by monitoring the status of my other articles and seeing the click through rate. 

 As people say many times in this forum, you learn the most by doing things instead of just reading. I would not pick up on those tiny details until reading other people's work and writing my own work on there so let's keep writing! 

 Average Personal Article statistics:  

400-600 essays: around 15-20 mins

Editing time: around 15 mins 

Average time to produce 1 quality article: 35-45 mins so far 

Average article produced on a 3 hour non-stop session: 3-4 articles. 

Definition of Quality: Unique content every time, write based on my expertise and incorporate ideas from others, write content that people are missing within my own forex trading niche.  Incorporate practical example by using my knowledge of current events and how news affected the Forex market:) 


Afternoon Session: wrote 3 more articles on trading signal concept page. I am finished with my 12th articles now with 8 active on ezine!  Next plan is keyword research again and write more articles for my 2nd concept page on forex broker. Will go to yahoo answer tonight and get to level 2 there so I can start constructing links to promote WA and my forex stuff there. 

 Did keyword research for my next concept page, more organization and planning for next coming weeks. further tweaking of my trader resource page. more yahoo answer tonight! 







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LFZedd Premium
I'm really enjoying following along with your progress. Seeing your updates has kept me motivate to continue along with my game plan, which is slower paced than yours, but still moving with many thanks :-D