Day 14:-15 Internet Marketing Progress (Self Evaluation)

Last Update: June 06, 2011

June 6,2011 (Mon): Day 14  ** 2 weeks anniversary 

Morning session: Join 2 independent affiliate program, building up my product review page for recommended list of forex brokers, check it out at, ; feel free to comment... this is my first attempt. I tried to base my model on highly effective converting review pages found on WA but modify the content based on my own forex niche:) 

 Afternoon session: Finished forex broker page, finished trading resource page, working on Forex educational page, join a few more programs from clickbank ready to paste image/links, 

 Feel free to check out and leave a comment if there's any improvement. I plan to add a couple more links at the bottom such as financial calenders and daytrading news resource such as or even twitter site to follow to get the most up-to-date news!!   

Do you guys remember the Korean missile inccident back in November,2010?  Twitter news was about 6 mins faster than the market reaction and I was able to make that quick 60 pips within 10 mins thx to twitter!

End of afternoon session:  Finish  Forex online educational program page with top 3 clickbank products so far. Will add two more independent firms later.  Next page to focusis the forex trading signal concept page.  But for today if I got time I plan to write another article to ezine to end the day. 

Checking up with the day 30 schedule,  at day 14 today I will simultaneously finish day 7-10 if I finish writing another article and do some comment on other's ppl's article by the end of today. It' time to get back on track! 

Night session (after dinner): wrote my 3rd article with ezine, post some comments on other people's article on ezine, join some forums and yahoo answer to further expand site presence. 

June 7,2011 (Tues) Day 15 **Half a month anniversary

 Morning Session: Tweak up homepage again with image, learn how to add custom menu and fix menu bars,  join more clickbank products for my trader signal concept page creation in the afternoon,  2 of my ezine articles got accepted, got promoted to Basic PLUS membership!! 

Afternoon Session:  working on my trader signal concept page/ clickbank product insertion. Finish trader signal page:    

Now keyword research and write articles for those concept pages!! 

writing 4th article on trader signal page 

wrote my 4th article and build a keyword list for that concept page. Plan to focus on my article marketing effort tomorrow. will read more on that specific concept and generate more writing ideas for tomorrow. end of afternoon session. 

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nadianasrallah Premium
I really like the idea you have for writing what you do every day here. It can be a good reference to me sinece just 3 days ago, I started internet marketing full time. I also bought a domain that I will use to blog about every progress I make every day.
winch330 Premium
For those who are curious about what happen to the YEN during the Korean missile incident, go to your FX chart and go back to November 23rd, 2010. I forgot what time, I think it was around 12:00am EST just start of london session, watch how the Yen move 60 pips up and down during that 30 mins of the incident.
winch330 Premium
thx for your comment! I tried to keep it simple for now because I'm still learning html coding so I did that page entirely using visual mode on page creator.

I am currently working on my trading resource section and doing the same format with the educational program section. I got 2 articles submitted to ezine and plan to write more when I have time. Is gonna take some time to get everything set up in the beginning but I think later on when all the static page content is ready, I can focus more of my effort on marketing the site:) I'm also still very new at this so let's keep each other motivated!!
Looking good.
Thadius Premium
Wow, very nicely done. I hate you, lol. No really very professional. I like the number bullets and the emphasis on profits and varied bold and red marks. I have no idea about the technical stuff you're talking about but nevertheless, I felt compelled to get started trading. Easy layout to see which brokers are available to start working with. Well done, even though im still new at this, i felt the content was simple and effective. Maybe some of the gurus here can give you some more tips I just cant think of right now. Maybe shoot an email with the link in it to Kyle or Carson : )