Posts by Alex Copeland 9
Hello again!  There may well be no-one left in here that knows me, not looked around yet, but I've been a member here since 2008 but left (a couple of times for various reasons) but always thinking about the guys that helped me earn on the internet. For those that do care who I am :) I went full time in IM towards the end of 2009, thanks in part to a guy called Ryan Moran (I'm sure a lot of you know him!) and the guys at WA . It hasn't all been great in the last 6 months though and som
Yep, I've decided to stop my sub to WA for the second time since joining... so just saying cya to friends and fellow WA'ers I have met, helped or learned from, appreciate ya all, met some people here that should be friends for life!  Not sure when/if I'll be back but never say never, feel free to get hold of me on or at if you have anything needs doing...   This time the reason is I honestly hardly even log on any more, thi
Firstly a quick disclaimer, I don't say the following to brag, just to let others know that they can do the same if they follow up with what they know and apply the skills. I go back to work tomorrow, those that know me will be aware I have been working for myself thanks to IM for quite a while now so when I say work it's something I look forward to doing and I only have to flick the laptop on at home anyway. But that isn't the best part of it, the reason I am writing this is that for the whole
October 21, 2010
Hey all, some of you know me from a while ago and I left as just wasn't using the WA stuff like I used to... but I missed it so I'm back again.  Looking forward to linking in to the community again and seeing what's new and old and helping out where I can and soaking up info where I can!  Anyway, speak to you all soon I hope, ahhh.... nice to be back :)
July 10, 2010
Ok so the other day I hit the 2 year mark with WA and at about the same time something went wrong with the card I had on file and my subscription got cancelled....   Oh no! I thought, quickly resubscribe!!! But after actually stopping to think about it... I realised I haven't actually done anything on this site for a while and nor have I a promotion going for it so there is nothing that I really need it for any more. Now don't get me wrong the people here are AWESOME and the site is GR
Here's one for you. I was talking on jatdebeaun's blog the other day about right brain, left brain and it made me think of something that some on here may relate to as there seems to be a lot of 'arty' people here, whether it be singing, acting, painting or similar. If you have read my about me you will know I have been a lead singer in a band for about 18 years and had some pretty good success. Signed to a major label, played some big, big shows... released albums, DVD's, got a Top 40 single,&n
Sign up for the FREE webinar and Ryan will DONATE $1 TO RED CROSS HAITI RELIEF This is related to something that I have been lucky enough to have been talking to our very own Ryan Moran about for a little while now. Anyone that knows Ryan will know he is one of the genuine guys out there in the marketing world and this FREE webinar is related to a new venture he is undertaking. He is going to be hosting this webinar on Feb 9th and showing people for free how to skip all the hard work when it c
If you are a parent you will understand where I'm coming from when I say - I love my kids.... but it's hard to be a home worker when it's the school holidays! lol! Today I had to go to Birmingham for a consultancy job - about an hour away and at the old place I used to work but for much more money (he he) - and as much as I hate going there when I could be working in my PJ's I have to admit that not having to stop working to make 3 people some toast, turn the telly over or peel the paint out of
Little reference to The Young Ones and Cliff Richard there (almost) and probably lost on a lot of you but I don't mind... bit of an odd way to start my WA blog career though I guess... he he Ok.. so this is a part of WA I've never used before and I really don't know why... and now that I have become full time at this IM game I guess I have no real excuse not to any more! It's about 2am in the UK and really ought to hit the hay but that WA affiliate challenge got my mind thinking and even though
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