Farewell WA!

Last Update: July 10, 2010

Ok so the other day I hit the 2 year mark with WA and at about the same time something went wrong with the card I had on file and my subscription got cancelled.... 

 Oh no! I thought, quickly resubscribe!!! But after actually stopping to think about it... I realised I haven't actually done anything on this site for a while and nor have I a promotion going for it so there is nothing that I really need it for any more.

Now don't get me wrong the people here are AWESOME and the site is GREAT... I just think I have outgrown it... believe me without it I wouldn't be in the position I am, working for myself, doing what I want when I want, they showed me the way... I just feel my business has taken me beyond the site now... even the new ideas, as great as they are, just don't hold any value for me with what I have learnt and can do...

So ironically I have resubscribed for the month to say bye to my fellow WA'ers - I really do appreciate everyone that has helped me get where I am - and anyone that wants to stay in touch please feel free to email me at admin@rockstarmedia.ltd.uk or add me on Skype - alex.mohawx

Peace out and all success to everyone!

Alex aka MoHawX

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R-L-Atch Premium
Alex... Sorry to see you go but I do understand. I would like to keep in touch and will email you. Cheers! Rob
cld111 Premium
Oh no! But I understand why you're leaving. I appreciate all your help along the way. Much MORE success to you!
Jamie Smith Premium
cheers to your continued hard work and success Alex!
Jamie Smith Premium
cheers to your continued hard work and success Alex!
jatdebeaune Premium
I feel sad that you are leaving, but I understand. All the best to you Alex.