Hello again!.... Ok... $1 is too good an offer not to move back home again... feels nice..

Last Update: November 27, 2011

Hello again!

 There may well be no-one left in here that knows me, not looked around yet, but I've been a member here since 2008 but left (a couple of times for various reasons) but always thinking about the guys that helped me earn on the internet.

For those that do care who I am :) I went full time in IM towards the end of 2009, thanks in part to a guy called Ryan Moran (I'm sure a lot of you know him!) and the guys at WA .

It hasn't all been great in the last 6 months though and some of my sites went south, just because I got complacent with what they were doing... still earn ok online, and do marketing for some companies using what I have learnt, but now starting to boost it with my own products so expect some freebies for my WA family!

Anyway, off to look around and see what is new! Speak soon and look forward to meeting old friends and making new ones.



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meknowsu Premium
Nice to meet you, glad your back. Wishing you the best!
jatdebeaune Premium
Welcome back Alex. Good to hear from you.
Alex Copeland Premium
Good to be back.
Labman_1 Premium
Welcome back, yup there are some that remember you. Who are you again?
Alex Copeland Premium
Last time I looked I was me.... :)