Cya... I'm off again :)

Last Update: May 13, 2011

Yep, I've decided to stop my sub to WA for the second time since joining... so just saying cya to friends and fellow WA'ers I have met, helped or learned from, appreciate ya all, met some people here that should be friends for life!

 Not sure when/if I'll be back but never say never, feel free to get hold of me on or at if you have anything needs doing... 

 This time the reason is I honestly hardly even log on any more, this place taught me a LOT, but I am getting more from other forums and honestly, I am putting so much into action each day I really don't need to get another method or look at another guide from someone else... I have found it more and more rewarding to do the testing myself and see what REALLY works rather than wait for someone to tell me... by which time 9 times out of 10 it is too late and they have been doing it for the last 6 months... now I'm the guy finding it out through trial and error, yeah it means more errors, but when it hits you know you are one of the few people in that pond for a while... ;)

 Not saying you shouldn't take advice from others, far from it, I am just past that stage now and making my own path, so the need for WA is far less than before.

Once again, thanks all and thank you Carson and Kyle for making such a great place to grow up (in the IM sense) in.

Catch ya on the flip side ;)

Alex aka MoHawX

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Robg1 Premium
Keep on trail blazing!
Behealthy Premium
Peace out!
muskyblood Premium
Good luck to you Alex!
jatdebeaune Premium
Happy marketing, happy life Alex!
Jamie Smith Premium
Wishing you great success in 2011 and beyond Alex!