Yoo Hoo... I'll Make Ya Famous... Again...

Last Update: May 01, 2010

Here's one for you. I was talking on jatdebeaun's blog the other day about right brain, left brain and it made me think of something that some on here may relate to as there seems to be a lot of 'arty' people here, whether it be singing, acting, painting or similar.

If you have read my about me you will know I have been a lead singer in a band for about 18 years and had some pretty good success. Signed to a major label, played some big, big shows... released albums, DVD's, got a Top 40 single,  appeared on TV for MTV, Kerrang, Scuzz etc and had some big features in magazines back in the day.

Because of this we still have some decent success and can still go out touring and sell albums etc.

Now the thing is due to this there are quite a lot of people into the sort of music I play that know my face and who I am, and my pictures and info are all over the place on Google, Wikipedia etc.

Now more and more lately I find people who are bumping into my IM work are recognising me from the band, and the thing is with the profile of the band still being where it is it can seem odd to them... It's a bit like the first time you saw your teacher outside of school as a kid - to you at that age a teacher is JUST a teacher... to see them coming out the pub or walking around the supermarket is just WEIRD! Lol!

Well this is the reaction I sometimes get, they see me as the guy on stage and can't get their head round the fact I am doing IM... don't  get me wrong it is rarely anything of a problem but it can be a little awkward...

Does anyone else have this problem and what are your views on it? Are you known for something else across the internet and find the same thing happening? Just curious....

One that springs to mind is Ghost. I remember reading his first few posts ages ago and the fact that he was performing rap (still is as far as I know, but could be wrong) and now he is one damn good IMer...  so do the worlds collide or is it not an issue....?

Anyway, maybe some can relate and share and maybe some of you are thinking what the heck?! Either way would love to hear from you!



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Wootton Premium
As a fellow musician I can tell you I know exactly how you feel. The worst is when people act or treat you different just because you where on the stage. I actually had one person try to drug me and take me home, how do you say "fatal attraction". Any way, nice to meet you and I hope success for you and the band, keep it real man, its what the scene needs.
jatdebeaune Premium
Just another point Alex. People have to get over themselves. They may want to limit who you are to one thing, but you don't have to cooperate. Some folks are multi talented. Oh, what a radical thought! The Giclee printing process was invented by Graham Nash of Crosby, Stills, and Nash. I, for one am so grateful that this musician was versatile enough to dream up this fine digital printing process, otherwise we probably wouldn't have it, and I would be doing off set lithography for small runs. One of the good things that's coming out of this miserable economy is that smart folks are having to get resourceful. We're all going to benefit in the long run.
Jamie Smith Premium
Cheers AC, congrats on your hard work and success!! Massive Respect to you my brother. I knew who you were before we linked up on here, I think it is cool to have you and other artists in the WA family. It is a crazy world we live in, this is the worst economy since the Great Depression, and multiple revenue streams are a MUST. I am known around the world for Drum&Bass music, but those who know me personally are aware that my background is a jazz musician. I went to college for music & marketing. So naturally, IM fits perfect with our www.bassdrive.com station and www.bassdrivetunes.com label. I was also hired as Marketing Director for Urban Chemistry Recordings in Miami to perform the same functions. I find myself teaching & vocal coaching less and less each year. I only take on dedicated students because of my busy schedule, and many people would prefer to be rock stars than musicians in my opinion. There are plenty of video games to fulfill those needs, and I am way too busy for lazy students. All of my efforts on here are to support the Arts. That is my passion. Now that I have been able to spend some time with the WA family since October, I know that this is the best family in the IM industry, so I will start to supplement my hustle with the affiliate program, lettings the world know that our WA family is the real deal. It breaks my heart to see so many people scammed online every day, so people need to know that a place like WA exists for them. I sent you some WA Gold.
Louise M. Premium
I kinda understand... I have an artistic background and the internet is "full" lol of references to things I've done in the past related to movies, voice over and over stuff and actually I don't put info out there related to IM as in my main niche I have another identity! :) But as I'm planning on promoting WA soon with my real name (or I may keep the Louise M. ..., not sure yet), it'll be the "big jump" I guess. :)
jatdebeaune Premium
Not the same way as you guys. Not my face anyways. I'm not a rock star. However, they know my work. I'm using my reputation to promote my websites. I figure it's an advantage. May as well use it. The only thing that's weird to the people who know me is they can't image me being a techy, which of course, I'm not. However, I'm getting some techy thoughts.