Hey Rick, What Does This Post Button Do?....

Last Update: October 24, 2009

Little reference to The Young Ones and Cliff Richard there (almost) and probably lost on a lot of you but I don't mind... bit of an odd way to start my WA blog career though I guess... he he

Ok.. so this is a part of WA I've never used before and I really don't know why... and now that I have become full time at this IM game I guess I have no real excuse not to any more!

It's about 2am in the UK and really ought to hit the hay but that WA affiliate challenge got my mind thinking and even though I wasn't planning to roll out a WA campaign this weekend I think it just changed my plans for me, including the one where I was going to bed at Midnight... :)

Oh well, the clocks roll back tonight so really it's only 1am.. which ain't so bad but now I'm off... only to start again tomorrow... but it really isn't hard to keep motivated when loving what you are doing!

So night night all, even though it's only evening for most of you, and speak to you again some time soon with more babble that may or may not be interesting to you.. ;)

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jpetals Premium
Nope... very interesting! lol Good luck!