A warm thank you to David_S!

Last Update: July 21, 2012
It has been two weeks since I started my website Internet Sales Rules. I was anxious what and how to go about it. From the choice of design to understanding and trying out too many things, my mind was frenzied with radical thoughts. But, that is what stands out in WA. You keep getting words of wisdom that help you not only to achieve financially, but stay calm and focused in life. As the calmness grew in, I realized that designs and colors are just the cosmetics of a brand. It is the value from the brand that stands out. So ,I just kept a minimalistic design for my website and have carried on with content building.

Please give some honest feedback! I need some!

For a newbie who just came into the scene, it was very kind of David to help me. I asked him for an interview and he agreed - Just like that! :) :)
" A warm thank you to David_S for your help and I would like to keep learning from you "

I saw a blog post a few days - don't remember from whom ( Maybe DABK). It was a link to an interview of a person who owns a website that specializes in astronomy i guess. His story has inspired me. He kept on writing for 8 long years all alone for his website till it reached 1000000 visits/day. Again, this is a prime example of content being the King! Let us keep writing!

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Shawn Martin Premium
Nice blog, and David is the man!You inspired ,e with the astrology story.
anindochk Premium
Thanks! :)
CherylC Premium
Hello, just signed up for the free 10-day trial...I'm excited and very motivated to get started - can't wait to learn everything I can to create a successful online business.
anindochk Premium
Hi! Please utilize these 10 days well and you will surely realize it is worth paying to stay here. :)
georgejhaas Premium
Cheryl C, Welcome to WA. Try to set aside the time you need while you learn a lot during the next 10 days. Try to have a goal in mind, otherwise, it just might become overwhelming to you. By following the program, you will find a niche, purchase a domain, and create a website and write content. If you are extremely lucky, maybe even have a sale or at least, have some visits to your website. Good Luck!
georgejhaas Premium
Anindo, Welcome to WA. I have been a member for 2 1/2 Years. You are absolutely correct that here there are great people in the community to come along side while you are trying to get your feet wet. Good luck as you progress to become a great online marketer.
anindochk Premium
Thank you! This is one more aspect that I like here. Direct interaction with the everybody! :) I will be in touch!
mama2karsten Premium
Very well said.
anindochk Premium
dante13 Premium
hey anindo, the gentleman you're speaking of is fraser cain and his website is called 'universe today'. i'm not sure but i think it's 3 000 000 visitors per month. and yeah that's is inspiring!
anindochk Premium
Oops! I got all my info wrong! :) 3 000 000 visitiors.... wohoho... :)